Miami airport expands efforts to screen travelers' behavior
The Associated Press
Published: September 7, 2006
MIAMI Authorities at about a dozen American airports use "behavior pattern recognition" — monitoring passengers' involuntary actions in hopes of nabbing potential terrorists -- and Miami officials are so impressed with the techniques that they plan to have janitors and skycaps eyeballing the crowds.
If Miami officials have their way, all the airport's 35,000 workers — from janitors to skycaps to Starbucks baristas — will be trained to watch travelers' movements and detect potentially dangerous fliers.
"If you had 35,000 pairs of eyes observing suspicious behavior, that's a strong layer of security," said Greg Chin, a spokesman at Miami International Airport, where officials began training managers Thursday.
So now I got 35,000 pairs of eyes watching me and everyone else waiting to get aboard a plane. Gee that makes me feel so much better, so warm and so safe. Wait! Just watched a father give his teenage son a discreet something from his pocket!! CALL THE COPS! CALL SECURITY!!!
Oh, wait dad was just slipping junior an extra 50 bucks for his visit to his uncle's ranch out in Texas somewhere... s'ok!
Wait! Why is that guy fiddling with his shoes all the time?? SECURITY!!!
Nevermind the guy had holes in his socks and they were chaffing.
What the hell. Lets all just DRIVE to where we need to go. Less hassle that way. At least I don't have to worry about some Starbuck's server calling security on me because I couldn't decide between a cappachino and a latte and kept glancing at my watch and looking over my shoulder every few moments (to see if my travel companion has caught up with me). Or a janitor's suspicion that I was in the restroom "far too long" because I might've been constipated.
Funny? Maybe, but how well are people going to be trained to the point of paranoia about everyone who is acting "suspiciously". Hell I see it all the time, I sometimes act that way. Does it mean I'm gonna do a Die Hard and take over the friggin airport?
Didn't they do this in the Soviet Union? Germany during the late 30's and early 40's??