Began a class this weekend


Senior Master
Sunday and last night I began teaching "Hapkido extension." Since our only true time set at the school is Thursday from 8:30-9:30 for Hapkido I was given the bright idea from others to teach a class on the throwing,falling, off balancing aspects of hapkido in an extra class so we get enough practice.

All too often it seems that the technique practice overshadows the throwing that hapkido is famous for.

Plus 20 minutes a week for scheduled falling class is just not enough. So, time to put my dan in judo to good use. heh
Great idea. Too often I visit taekwondo schools that teach some hapkido as well. Their students' naek bup (ukemi or falling techniques) are too frequently awful.
I agree with the above. Too often correct falling and tumbling techniques go by the way side while the art of throwing and sweeping are practiced to an extreme. There must be a balance, for safety if nothing else. Even in WTF TKD many times a player will be knocked down and end up getting hurt, not from the contact of the hit, but because of the poor execution of their falling technique. Recently a friend of mine was doing MMA and was body slammed. Instead of rolling or doing a correct fall, he put his right arm out to stop the drop. Now, a metal bar and six screws later, well, .....
Anyway, good job Matt.
Good idea, Matt. When I fist started TKD, I was stocked how poorly people did falling techniques. In TSD, we did falling techniques pretty regularly, even though we didn't do many throws (just mainly take-downs until later on). So, I showed people how to fall correctly in TKD. Of course, I kept a "low profile" about it so I didn't get in trouble. But it caught on, and everybody (well, not all, but most) started to fall correctly.
Hi Matt,

Great to hear you are teaching a very important part of the martial arts.


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