There was a period of time (early 90s?) when benchmade stopped making balisongs. In the US, Jaguar and Bear filled that void. With popularity of the balisong going back up, there are now other manufactures offering good quality balisongs. I think I even saw a kit where you can build your own!
I tried a bear a while back. It wasn't broken in so it was very tight, but it seemed just OK for the price. As Phil said it has a rep of low quality handles. Jaguars have a rep of loosening pins. Benchmade is much better. The new ones seem expensive. Back in the 80s I bought a benchmade with brass handles for $40 and quality was good, but damn it was heavy. I bought a new titanium and that seems a little too light. Benchmade could increase there market share if they built an affordable balisong to compete with Jaguar/Bear without comprimising quality too much. Then again, by offering a higher quality product at a higher price point, they are building a higher brand image and more prestige than the others.
I really like the balisongs from the Batangas. The steel is of poorer quality , but it has that handmade feel that makes it feel like a functional work of art. Handles are carabou horn or native hardwood. Probably most important is the weight feels better to me. There are a few places that will import them, but they charge almost $80 for a $5.00 knife!