BattleStar Galactica Remake totally f'd up!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free

They fraking ruined it. They've completely missed the whole reason why we've wanted this....

More commentary available at

I for one am boycotting this piece of crap.

From Dark Horizons

Battlestar Galactica (TV): We've all heard talk about how
Ronald D. Moore's version of the new show will differ greatly
from the old series, today we found out by how much. FilmJerk
reports that USA Cable Entertainment has given Moore's version
the greenlight and will start production in March in Vancouver
on the four hour mini-series that will potentially 'launch'
the new show. Whilst a short synopsis for the project sounds
very much like the original show, there are some big changes
including some big feminine additions to the show. No longer
will Starbuck be a blond and somewhat nervous male warrior,
instead SHE will be a ballsy loner full of profanity and taken
to jogging around the ship in her bra. There's also a
President Laura Roslin character who'll serve as a foil to
Commander Adama and get into numerous fights with him. Baltar
has become a handsome guy plagued by visions of a beautiful
humanoid Cylon who seduced him named 'Number Six'. Fans will
not be happy. Thanks to 'Edward'.

More changes at

Damn, i'm pissed.....
hoping to reach the humans’ legendary homeworld of Earth
What? The Thirteenth Colony is the homeworld?
Twelve Colonies of Kobol
It was Never the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, it was the Twelve Tribes of Kobol
Estranged from his son Lee, who blames Adama for the death of his brother Zak
Adama had 3 children, Apollo (Eldest), Athena (Middle) and Zak(Youngest) and incidentally, played by Rick Springfield. And it was Apollo that got Zak killed.
Lee "Apollo" Adama, in his late 20s to early 30s, is a handsome hotshot fighter pilot who is briefly assigned to the Galactica. He is more emotional than his father. A man with a long-simmering bitterness against his famous and respected father, Lee believes that his brother Zak was forced into military service by their father, and that Zak’s death was due to Commander Adama’s demands upon his son.
Oh Horsefeathers! Everything about that is just flat out wrong.
Appalled by the fact that his sexual folly has led billions to their deaths, Baltar is determined to avoid exposure as a feckless traitor, and is pleased to find himself treated with the same esteem he previously enjoyed. Still atop the pinnacle of what’s left of society, Baltar is placed in charge of Galactica’s research facilities, only to find that Number Six now appears to him in uncontrollable visions, the result of a computer chip secretly implanted in his brain. Teased mercilessly by the ever-present Number Six, Baltar tries to find a way to fight back against the Cylons without exposing his secret source of knowledge about their homicidal civilization.
Good heavens.

I'm a big fan of the original show and had not heard of this "new" version.

It promises to do for Battlestar Galactica what Canada and Barry Van Dyke did for Airwolf.

The horror, the horror.
Regarding 6, I'm picturing a really tight jumpsuit type outfit, with her being of the busty build type. Think lots of sexual tension, clevage and of course, inuendo. Six being their answer to 7 from Voyager, which sadly was truer to the original BSG plot than this bastardized 'rewrite'. BSG was never about the TnA, but the whole concept of fighting against overwelming odds. I don't have a problem with the whole TnA stuff, but just not here, ya know?
Sounds absolutely craptacular.

He should be beaten with a club with a really long rusty nail in it.
chalk that all up to directors and script writers nowadays thinking everything needs to be altered or changed somehow and made more modern to be interesting.

has anyone here ever had the chance to read the horrible draft of the upcoming (at least they say it's upcoming) superman movie script? if not, here's a brief overview.

krypton has not blown up..that's right...still in one piece. horrible inaccuracy number one. clark is doin' his thing as a child...being super kid and all that. he FINDS the super suit one day in a closet...doesn't have it made from the blankets in the ship he came down in. he takes it out of the space box or whatever it's in and BAM!...the suit just flies onto him...but wait!'s too big for him right now, he'll have to grow into it. horrible inaccuracy number two.

so he grows up and he's superman and all that. he eventually works up the nerve to put the suit on and stop a bank robbery or something. pa kent sees the highlights on the news...he's so proud that he runs to tell martha and drops dead of a hear attack. now old supes is too guilt ridden to put the suit on again and swears he never will.

here comes old lex luthor, millionaire tyrant/tycoon and scientist...or is he? nope he isn't, he's an FBI agent investigating clarks crash to planet earth. horrible inaccuracy number three. he's in and out of battleing to keep his investigation open. especially after superman decides to be superman again and starts saving everyone in sight and the people love him for it.

meanwhile, back on krypton, everyone is alive and well, and the bad kryptonians are comin' for old kal-el. so they start tearin' up earth and everyone hates supes for it because they blame it on him being there.

to be continued...
Originally posted by tarabos

chalk that all up to directors and script writers nowadays thinking everything needs to be altered or changed somehow and made more modern to be interesting.

has anyone here ever had the chance to read the horrible draft of the upcoming (at least they say it's upcoming) superman movie script? if not, here's a brief overview.

krypton has not blown up..that's right...still in one piece. horrible inaccuracy number one. clark is doin' his thing as a child...being super kid and all that. he FINDS the super suit one day in a closet...doesn't have it made from the blankets in the ship he came down in. he takes it out of the space box or whatever it's in and BAM!...the suit just flies onto him...but wait!'s too big for him right now, he'll have to grow into it. horrible inaccuracy number two.

so he grows up and he's superman and all that. he eventually works up the nerve to put the suit on and stop a bank robbery or something. pa kent sees the highlights on the news...he's so proud that he runs to tell martha and drops dead of a hear attack. now old supes is too guilt ridden to put the suit on again and swears he never will.

here comes old lex luthor, millionaire tyrant/tycoon and scientist...or is he? nope he isn't, he's an FBI agent investigating clarks crash to planet earth. horrible inaccuracy number three. he's in and out of battleing to keep his investigation open. especially after superman decides to be superman again and starts saving everyone in sight and the people love him for it.

meanwhile, back on krypton, everyone is alive and well, and the bad kryptonians are comin' for old kal-el. so they start tearin' up earth and everyone hates supes for it because they blame it on him being there.

to be continued...

What idiot came up with this trash!?:soapbox:

lex winds up teaming up with the kryptonians and works up a plan to get supes. lois lane is taken hostage and put into a tank of water with kryptonite in the bottom, so clark can either save lois and kill himself, or let her die and save himself. but WAIT! how can kryptonite exist you ask? how can meteors of the fragments of an exploded planet be on earth when it hasn't exploded? HELL IF I KNOW! horrible, horrible inaccuracy number four.

anyway...supes does the right thing and dies...that's right, he dies. but jor-el up on krypton won't stand for it. he "senses" his son has died, and plunges a knife into his gut and goes on after him into the afterlife. while there he convinces clark that he can't be dead! clark believes him (perhaps he knows this pile of crap script is meant to be the first movie in a trilogy, and you damn well can't kill superman in the first movie of a superman trilogy).

anyway, supes is back...and he's back to kick kryptonian ***. so he does...but they fight in a style that you wouldn't expect...they all magically know kung fu, mid-air kung fu, and it's the most foolish thing you've ever seen. he kicks the crap out of them and then goes to "speak" with their leader, lex.

lex goes on about how supes has one-upped him this time and how he's a worthy advisary and all that. now get ready for probably the biggest, most horrible inaccuarcy of them all. lex jumps up...takes off in the air...and begins the kung fu fighting in the air with supes. that's right...lex luthor is from krypton as well...and he's got the superpowers too.

supes kicks his butt, takes lex up to krypton to be judged, setting up the sequel... manage to pry yourself out of the movie theatre seat, completely baffeled and shocked at what you have just seen. even though it was probably hard to watch the movie with everyone throwing their refreshments at the screen out of sheer disgust.

the end.

p.s. the script was thrown out eventually, but not after 3 big-wigs at warner brothers gave it the ok. that's right, this movie almost got made folks.
wish i could find the link for that for you's a good one. sorry, but i think i've pretty much summed up what it was all about, and now you know why warner brothers should not be allowed to make a superman movie.

just look at birds of prey...ugh...:rolleyes:
I enjoyed the series when it first came out. I hate to see it screwed up. They could have done a good job if they tried
Originally posted by tarabos

lex winds up teaming up with the kryptonians and works up a plan to get supes. lois lane is taken hostage and put into a tank of water with kryptonite in the bottom...

No wait! Here they will apply the "Starbuck Synthesis" and Lois will be a man in the movie. :rolleyes:

Take care ;)
re: BSG
The thing here is, the story arc already exists, the characters are defined, the science established.

Gee, lets go find another Bald guy and have him take over as Picard after this last movie comes out..but wait, lets make him a real womanizer, or wimp. And, lets go do a Vger movie, but recast 7 as a skinny, nerdy guy.

Sorry, its not the same. I -VERY- sincerly hope this is all a bad joke, and if it isnt that all those involved in producing this abomination choke to death slowly and -very- painfully on their own bile. Universal, Sci-Fi chanel and the whole lot of them can kiss this fans pale white posterier.

What they are doing may resemble BSG, but it wont have the heart, or the soul of the original. I for one will be boycotting it...and based on the comments I've seen, they've managed to piss off over 80% of the fans of the show.

F-em, I say.

re: superman
All I can say is, someone tell those ***' that crack kills....then give em a few cases of it.....
Originally posted by Chris from CT

No wait! Here they will apply the "Starbuck Synthesis" and Lois will be a man in the movie. :rolleyes:

Take care ;)

speaking of lois being a man...she wasn't, but jimmy olsen was scripted to be gay.
The last I heard, the upcoming Hulk movie screwed up his origin.

Two words: radioactive dogs.

I pray to all that is holy that whoever thought that up came off his high and changed it.

I never watch BSG but I'v seen more than enough hollywood screw ups to sympesize.

Anyone know whats up with the latest Batman and Superman movies? The actor choices for Superman were looking scarily bad last time I check. For Batman I'v heard both Year One and Beyond as possibly things to base it on. Or was someone crazy enough to try to combine the two? *groan*