Basics: Pendillum Sweep

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Full basics series

I have Chris in my guard.


I underhook my right arm through his legs and swing both my legs up. At the same time trapping his right arm with my left. I want to get completely sideways, shoulder to his knee


My left leg swings down and my right over towards the floor above his shoulders. I use my right arm to push his leg up, as if trying to straighten it.


As he goes over I keep tight and keep a hold of his leg, and use my left elbow to help me up.
Images aren't visible on this 'puter... something on my end or did the pics not post properly?
Cool!! Thanks for posting that Andrew!! :ultracool :ultracool
Continues to be one of my bread and butter sweeps, in conjunction with the hip bump sweep (which it looks like Andrew posted too, it'll be the next thread I check out). With this and the hip bump you have a sweep for when they base forward, and when they base backward.

Thanks Andrew.
I enjoy this sweep quite a bit in conjunction with the armbar as well. It is also lot's of fun to counter this particular technique.(definately a surprise

Nice post Andrew!

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