Basic Kenjutsu Concepts

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Foundational techniques of kenjutsu. Proper handling of the Japanese sword.

Conceptual cutting.
A discussion on the principals of how to make cuts in kenjutsu.

Kumitachi and techniques for Japanese sword.
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Okay. No fraudbusting, right? This may not be easy....

The first clip. The grip, terrible. The swords are not much better. The "ninjato" is pure Hollywood fantasy (not surprising for someone from "Tenshin Koga Ryu Ninjutsu".....). His concept of blocking on the side is frankly wrong. Blocking is done with the edge, precisely for the reason he says you shouldn't. This is how it is taught in Katori Shinto Ryu, Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Kukishinden Ryu, and every other system I have come across. So while he says this is very basic, it is less than that. It is innaccurate and wrong.

Second clip. He doesn't quite know what European swords were like, does he? Then again, he doesn't seem to understand Japanese ones, either, so that's fair! His idea of having the first impact near the tsuba (guard) is almost laughably wrong, really this guy has no idea.... His action is very bad, he has no idea of how the sword works to cut, you just don't need the type of action he is describing to the degree he's saying! Don't listen to him!

Clip three. Practice makes permanent... more's the pity for him, then! (Sorry, I'm writing this as I'm watching them.... "Yukie"? Is that what he called the girl he has helping him out? Seriously, this guy has no idea about anything he has said so far....). No you don't use the entire blade to cut with! Dammit, why is he talking! Why do people listen to guys like this?

Oh, dear lord, that technique is horrible!!!! The distance is miles too close for any form of realism, the block could result in his sword being broken, the cuts are ineffective, who learns from someone like this!?!?!

Seriously Bob, this is a great example of what not to do/think/say/believe/listen to for swordsmanship, and as bait, yep, got me here again (at 3.30am with a 12 hour shift tomorrow... oh, this'll be fun....). But don't listen to a thing this guy says, he has no training in anything relating to Japanese arts, swordsmanship or otherwise that I can see here.
Get some sleep. I'll have more bad videos up for you tomorrow. :D
I would love to see this guy in a class with us.... Clip 1, he presses the tip of the blade against his index finger and waves it back and forth... The first thing we ever got told about swords was that you never ever touch the blade. If you touch the blade, you taste it. Yes it was an Iaito (something I discovered much much later!) but it was damn scary and something I'm conscious of even when handling a bokken now!
Just to clarify, the blade can be touched if needed during the performance of the techniques (hand on the back of the blade to support it, moving the blade through your hands for noto, the semi-chiburi action of Katori Shinto Ryu etc), however it should be avoided unless required. This is to protect the metal of the sword as much as the fingers of the person in question.
Sensei, I get those exceptions. For instance I've seen you demonstrate a block while supporting the back of the blade - and it was a concept covered in our seminar last weekend, however he is simply stabbing the tip into his finger and moving it forward and backward through the air towards his face to demonstrate a fulcrum. That's what I was meaning.
I'd be embarrassed even using cutlery this way. My techniques still leave much to be desired and even I can see how bad these videos are.

Just proof that you can practice all you want but if you are wrong to begin with your just learning the wrong thing.

"gripping with a baseball bat grip is wrong".... but that's what he is doing with his lead hand!!

I thought this would be quite commical to begin with but honestly; it just annoys me that he's teaching people this stuff.