Barney Ross, boxing great and greatest Jewish boxer ever


Purple Belt
Didn't have a chance to post last night to here, yesterday would've been Barney Ross' 105th Birthday

He was one of Boxing's Greats, the Undisputed Champion in 3 different weight divisions, and has the distinction of being the Greatest Jewish boxer ever.

My friend, Douglas Century, wrote a biography on Ross. He posted some comments about Ross which I've archived to my site

Today would ve been Barney Ross 105th birthday Stickgrappler s Sojourn of Septillion Steps

Also, an earlier entry to my site - a distillation of Ross' boxing tips from his out-of-print/hard-to-find book, Fundamentals of Boxing:

BOXING The Wisdom of Barney Ross. Stickgrappler s Sojourn of Septillion Steps

Happy Birthday Barney Ross!

p.s. Sly Stallone used Barney Ross' name for his character from The Expendables movie series
happy birthday dov-ber rasofsky, yom huledet sameach!
Stickgrappler, you rock. Always been a fan of Barney Ross. My dad saw him fight.

But for my money, Benny Leonard was the greatest Jewish boxer that ever lived. (Dad saw him, too.) :)

Love the stuff you post, brother.

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