Failed to stop in time for the vehicle in front of me. Fortunately no one hurt besides my own knee, which I managed to ram into the emergency brake lever.
Ticks me off - I just bought this 1994 Toyota truck, put a couple grand into getting it in top-notch mechanical shape, and then crash it. The photo actually make it look better than it is. Both fenders, bumper, hood, grill, and all pushed back to the extent that I can't open the driver's side door properly. I drove it home but something under the hood is hitting something else, and something liquid is dripping out of the bottom of the truck now.
And I got a ticket as well. Happy days.
Ticks me off - I just bought this 1994 Toyota truck, put a couple grand into getting it in top-notch mechanical shape, and then crash it. The photo actually make it look better than it is. Both fenders, bumper, hood, grill, and all pushed back to the extent that I can't open the driver's side door properly. I drove it home but something under the hood is hitting something else, and something liquid is dripping out of the bottom of the truck now.
And I got a ticket as well. Happy days.