

Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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Im looking into Bando. I would like to learn more about it. Anybody know of any good places to learn Bando?
Im looking into Bando. I would like to learn more about it. Anybody know of any good places to learn Bando?

We are very fortunate to have jks9199 on this board who has an extensive history in Bando. I am sure he will be along soon to let you know where you could go to learn Bando!
Im looking into Bando. I would like to learn more about it. Anybody know of any good places to learn Bando?

Naturally it depends on your location, but I am sure someone on here can help guide you. Some people may tell you to Google bando schools in your hometown, but not everyone has a web presence! Brian mentions jks9199; give him a try!
Im looking into Bando. I would like to learn more about it. Anybody know of any good places to learn Bando?

It depends on where you are. The American Bando Association maintains a list of sanctioned schools, meaning that the schools maintain an active connection with the ABA. Anyone teaching outside that list is not teaching Bando as Dr. Gyi introduced and has maintained it. That's not to say that folks like Phil Dunlap, who teaches a different Bando approach, aren't legitimate or good -- just that they don't have that connection. And there are people who learned Bando within the ABA at various points and have left for a variety of reasons. On them... Well, some are quite skilled, and have merely chosen to go their own way. Others... Like any split from an organization, they're doing their own thing.

Do you have other questions about Bando?
I could check out any bando school that is located along the east coast, or if its in any of the states on the east coast. I am from the east coast and I do lots of traveling throughout the eastern states.