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are there any techniques out there to perfect balnce when kicking or other ma techniques?
Sometimes when we focus on balance, we just do a side snap kick veeeeerry slllooowly. Knee up position, then extend the leg and hold it, then retract back to knee up, then lowering it. Then repeat

For extra fun, do it with your eyes closed (just make sure there's no stairs around, and expect collisions, there's lots of hopping about involved).

Ultimately, just practicing isolating the balance element of kicking, and focusing on that.
Wertle, great advice. We did that in class today, because the teacher wanted to show the newbies how to make their balance/technique better. We did each kick while holding on to our partner, then did them alone, then at full speed. Good training. It was a simple class (for those of us who done MA for a while), but you'll be suprised to see how much balance/technique it takes for a good kick. My legs are sore ;) It was fun to go back to the basics for a change.
Ever try using kicks to turn on and off the lights (light switches only, please!!!)?

As Wertle mentioned, do it slowly, and with control. You'd be surprised how much it can help.

Doing techniques on a (low) balance beam works as well. If you don't have one (or don't want to make one), try doing techniques while standing on one leg. Works wonders. That's no challenge? Close your eyes. Still no challenge? Add weights. ;)

Another good drill is to have someone tie a length of rope or a belt around your waist. You start going through a form or techniques, while they try to pull you off balance. This should be done *carefully*, as the other person is not trying to yank you across the room, but just off balance......sometimes, people can get carried away.....

Give those a try, and see if they help at all!!

Originally posted by tonbo

Ever try using kicks to turn on and off the lights (light switches only, please!!!)?

I used to drive my mother crazy with this--closing high cupboard doors too.
I used to drive my mother crazy with this--closing high cupboard doors too.

I developed some dexterity by going to a high school where they did not allow us to carry backpacks. In a rush to get to class, carrying a huge stack of books in my arms, I learned how to open certain doors with my feet (with shoes no less). A lot of spinning and hopping was involved, hehehe
HEY there..

I never thought about turning out all the lights... (must try this.. and try not to step on my cats :D )

In our class we use chairs... we practise our kicks slowly while lightly touching the chair.. after 40+ kicks per side.. you feel it the next day.. that seems to also help me with balance.. that and some time.....
