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Master Black Belt
Well I am starting to get bacK into TKD after taking a long hiatus from it. A new kid combined with 2 different moves out of state pretty much put a end to me training but I have decid to start up again.
I think having my mid life crisis now (age 30) is scaring me and I know I need to start doing something.

I moved to Minnesota in February and was looking all over for a school to join and couldn't find one that caught my eye so finally I decided to join
the world martial arts center It seems pretty decent but I won't know how class really is till my 1st class on Wednesday. It is the Song Moo Kwan Association (which I am not too familiar with) but seems decent.

I have some freedom at work so I will take lessons around lunch time which means get out of the office...train, shower and then back to the office. I did find out that Grandmaster Hee Sang Ro only teaches the 12pm-1pm class so that was also a factor in me choosing this school. Also $100/month for unlimited classes seemed like a great price.

Lets hope it is worth it. Sheesh....I am out of shape!

I was out of shape to when I 'retired' from TKD about 5 years ago. I got my weight up to 185+ heading to 190 for a 5 ft 8 inch guy. I'm now down to 168 and I workout at least 5 days a week and sometimes 7 days!

Here is how to get into shape (don't use TKD to do that!!!) If there is a gym nearby that is open 24/7 then join. I go right after work, do 45 min of weight lifting then go home (I'm married and I intend to stay that way!)

One day or so a week I weight lift, another I run 4 miles on the tread mill It's called 'LSD' runing, no not the drug but "Long Slow Distance' running. TKD at least once a week, SBD once a week. Sunday I workout with my martial arts buddy (a SHE who is 3ed dan... alot prettier than the guys I spar with I tell you.) And gunrange once a week. Life membership to the range does have it's $$ advantages, not to mention I reload my own BBs!

I vary what the weight lifting is for. Sometimes more power muscle, other times developing supertwitch muscles.

Start slow. Low weights high repetitons. Run only a little bit and work your way up. Streach with each weightlifting (I just love PNF, way way ahead of the old methods we did in TKD for so long.)
Maybe concentrate on upper body one day, lower body the next time you weight lift.

Congrats on getting back to training :D

We were just talking in another thread about the Chung Bong forms taught in some Song Moo kwan schools in that part of the country, do you know if they are taught at yours?
Congrats Ace glad you have found the time to start training again. You will be fine you are one hard working person. Best of luck and keep all of us posted on how it goes.
You are not the only one, I retook TKD clases afther 18 years of sedentarism, I trained TKF from 16-21 and became a Firsth Dan Black Belt. I returned to TKD last year in may if I recall, it has been not so easy for my I'm 40 years old nd over weight but trying to improve my health.

Best wishes in your comback.

Ace keep us posted on your training the first couple of weeks OK
Thanks for the kind words and excellent advice everyone.
This past week was an unusual busy week at work and I couldn't leave during the middle of the day for training but I will start this Wednesday. I will definately let you guys know how it w!
Ok I had my first lesson today!!!
I am typing this from the ER of the hospital close by as I get fluids from an IV since I am outta shape. lol..j/k

It was a nice class. GM Hee Sang Ro is very nice and I notice that he is very technical. I decided to take the day class since I can leave work on my lunch break for the 1 hour class. He seems like a great teacher and stresses a lot of points when teaching to make sure you are doing every part of a technique correctly. The class only had 3 other students (2 Blue belts & 1 yellow) At the end of class which I like he tells you what he liked and what to remember on what you may have had trouble on. Allin all a great class. I am sore now and lord only knows how I will feel in the morning. I may go get a massage after work just to help my muscles.

I figured I would have to go back a few belts since I have been out of action in over a year but after class he said it looks like I will probably keep my belt (red) b/c what I showed looked good. We shall see. It is good to know my techniques are still good, just gotta clean off some rust, I thought I would be much worse so I am surprised with myself. I guess if you have good foundation of technique you will never lose it and it is easy to get everything else going good once cardio is where it needs to be.
Im just mad that I threw away my chestguard when I moved and now after class I see I will need one b/c they use chest and head gear in class.

Only big downside is that I can't remember ANY of my forms!!! I was struggling thru the yellow belt form!! Not good. GM Ro said that I will though have to know 6 forms that are Soo Moo Kwan forms to get my BB? I can't remember the name of them.
Relax and enjoy the ride Ace. The forms will come back to you. One at a time. And take GatorAid or whatever drink you prefer with you to class.

Ace you are not alone as I said in a post lineas above, I had to remember taeguks 5,6,7,8,Koryo and Kungam to my mid degree test and this in a couple of months!! and yes it is tough sometimes I confuse one taeguk with other but remember this is not a race, you don't have to win to anybody.

I can feel you pain believe me, so let try to take it easy both of us and relax and enjoy the class, simple not?

Relax and enjoy - and the forms will come back (muscle memory) as you are re-exposed to them; I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point. It will take as long as it takes - and if the class remains that small, you'll get plenty of attention, and it shouldn't take too long.