You are right, there are going to be good and bad in every group and to me it really does not matter what race, religion, creed, gender, or anything else a person is as I don't discriminate against anyone so that is or at least should not be the issue at all.
The issue should be as to whether a person is honest or not and as to whether they intend to do you harm. It is or at least it should be about intent and motive as that what really the matters most.
In my book it really doesn't matter at all if you are black, white, green, or even pink with purple polka dots nor does it matter what your religion or gender is. If your intent is to harm me then you can expect that I will not only take defensive measures to protect both myself, my property and those that I care about, but I will also take offensive action to ensure that you do not do it again either.
For me it is all about self defense and self preservation and none of that racism or sexism stuff matters to me. For me it's also about being firm, but fair.
I can see that you're still not seeing that you stereotyped ALL Mexicans by your statement.
Mexico is cheaper than the United States when it comes to dental work and most anything as else for that matter.
To each his own, however, I'm a believer in quality over quantity. In this case, I'd rather pay a bit more to ensure that the work was done the best it could be. Then again, I'm fortunate enough to have excellent med. and dental benefits, so I can't complain.