Attention Parents: Important Advice


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Heed it:

Good tip! I learned the hard way that my son is a mean drunk.*

*LEOs - I'm kidding! Really! He's only mean on Tequila.
Um ... this page is missing from my parenting manual ....
It seems unbelievable to me even now, but a few years ago I read a parenting book that advised against the practice of lacing baby's formula with brandy to get them to sleep. This was a "practice"? LOL, I've yet to meet a parent that admits to doing this!
It seems unbelievable to me even now, but a few years ago I read a parenting book that advised against the practice of lacing baby's formula with brandy to get them to sleep. This was a "practice"? LOL, I've yet to meet a parent that admits to doing this!

I knew some women a few years ago who used to drink some wine about half an hour before the last breast feeding of the night, to help baby sleep. They thought nothing of it.

Both were British, but two is a pretty small sample so I'm not about so say 'In England, they do it like this...."
don't give liquor to babies, that's just wrong! use nyquil, it tastes better to babies & works faster.

this has been a public service announcement.

Ya know Children's Dimetapp ... uh ... well, I uh ... I read it can cause sleepiness in infants. :uhoh:
every so often my wife gets talked into babysitting this completely undisciplined 2 year old. somehow he always finds his way to the medicine cabinet.
