athletes foot


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
I was watching Monk On The Usa Network. It was kinda funny cause they made him talk of his shoes to go in a dojo and he goes "What about athletes feet people"
Look I was thinking hmm how often are the floors realy cleaned? How many people got athletes foot or had athletes foot from karate ? And if u kick some one in the face do they get athletes face? LoL

I never got athletes foot and hope i never do!
I like that "athletes face" :lol: . At my school they clean the floors everyday thank goodness. I cant imagine letting all the sweat and grime build up on the mat and having to train in something like that. All's that would do is invite bacteria and the subsequent issues such as athlete's foot. I am just glad I never had to deal with any type of fungal growth.

Just wash your feet ;)

The foot was designed to be aired out not stuffed inside a shoe.
my school gets vacumed weekly and it gets a carpet cleaner twice a far iv havent had any trouble with things growing...but im a bit leary of useing the public bathroom shoes ....i use my own lol
Nobody has ever got athlete's foot at my dojo. I think it is because almost all of us are barefoot and the mats are washed down daily.

- Ceicei
Athlete's foot is - are you ready for this? - ringworm. Scrub down your feet and use a nail brush for your toenails to avoide fungal infections also. No, you don't get athlete's face (ew). I'll have to dig up some facts on this tomorrow.