There is a newspaper article about athletes who take in too much water while doing strenuous physical activity.,1249,600126148,00.html
Although martial artists are not mentioned in this article, it made me wonder if this will effect us. I know some martial artists will do their black belt promotions for more than a couple of hours, sometimes up to a day or two. Would this be an issue to consider regarding water/drink intake? What would you suggest should be done to minimize this intake problem for those who will be preparing their BB promotions?
- Ceicei,1249,600126148,00.html
Although martial artists are not mentioned in this article, it made me wonder if this will effect us. I know some martial artists will do their black belt promotions for more than a couple of hours, sometimes up to a day or two. Would this be an issue to consider regarding water/drink intake? What would you suggest should be done to minimize this intake problem for those who will be preparing their BB promotions?
- Ceicei