Big Don
Sr. Grandmaster
Cheetah gets loose in cargo hold of passenger flight
ATLANTA — A Delta baggage worker got a bit of a fright before Halloween when she opened a jetliner's cargo door and found a cheetah running loose amid the luggage.
Two cheetahs were being flown in the cargo area of a Boeing 757 passenger flight from Portland, Ore., to Atlanta on Thursday when one escaped from its cage, Delta spokeswoman Betsy Talton said Friday.
"They told us a large animal had gotten out of a container in the cargo hold and they were having to send someone to tranquilize it," said one passenger, Lee Sentell of Montgomery, Ala.
He said luggage was delayed, but baggage handlers promised to send his bags to him in Alabama.
Gee, I wonder how fast you can slam a cargo door shut...
ATLANTA — A Delta baggage worker got a bit of a fright before Halloween when she opened a jetliner's cargo door and found a cheetah running loose amid the luggage.
Two cheetahs were being flown in the cargo area of a Boeing 757 passenger flight from Portland, Ore., to Atlanta on Thursday when one escaped from its cage, Delta spokeswoman Betsy Talton said Friday.
"They told us a large animal had gotten out of a container in the cargo hold and they were having to send someone to tranquilize it," said one passenger, Lee Sentell of Montgomery, Ala.
He said luggage was delayed, but baggage handlers promised to send his bags to him in Alabama.
Gee, I wonder how fast you can slam a cargo door shut...