At what age


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
At what age do you feel a student can openly start to learn all application and also at what level. I mean I know every student learns the movements of every poosae but when do you believe they actually start to understand every application that you teach them and what sets apart the way you explain each step of the application. I.E. by video, book, lectures or bt proforming each and every application at full speed on your student.
I think that's much more guaged to the individual, as opposed to the age. I have a six year old student testing for advanced purple. The kid rocks! I've also got another student the same age struggling mightily to get to advanced orange. I give more detail to the purple belt because he can handle it. The other one is at a much more basic level. The same concept applies to all ages. I have adult students of the same rank that have different levels of understanding due to their individual levels of ability and the readiness, or lack thereof, to go to the next level of understanding. There will come a point where they are all on the same page but the path to get there is of varying lengths.
i agree that it varies by individual, like just about everything else. at our school, we've set a line and will break it for exceptional individuals (on both ends -- some start earlier, some later).

it's also important to note that most child students can understand how to harm someone earlier than they can understand when to harm someone.
i agree that it varies by individual, like just about everything else. at our school, we've set a line and will break it for exceptional individuals (on both ends -- some start earlier, some later).

it's also important to note that most child students can understand how to harm someone earlier than they can understand when to harm someone.

very well said
it's also important to note that most child students can understand how to harm someone earlier than they can understand when to harm someone.

I'll agree with that statement. Also when dose a child know the full extent of what he is doing. They may learn or know that a technique will harm/hurt someone but at what point in there life do they realize the full impact of what might occur.
The question of
At what age do you feel a student can openly start to learn all application
is a difficult one to answer. I think that they must be old enough to comprehend death, permanent injury, etc. and there is no one age for those things. This is truly a hard question to answer