Green Belt
How devoted are you to your martial art? Are you devoted to one art or many? How hard did you find it to pull away from your first martial art? Do you think devotion to one art is a good or bad thing?
I ask these questions because I'm a taekwondoist by mind but a cross-trainer by spirit. I want to take other arts, but every time I do or try, I always think, "Well, this isn't the TKD way of doing it." or "TKD's way is better." etc. I'm pretty hooked on my first art and sure I'll never give it up. Since I've done TKD for 5 and a half years and loved it, I guess I'm pretty devoted to it. However, I'm a firm believer in cross-training, as I know I need more than just my legs to survive a real fight. TKD's got me out of scrapes before, but it, like every art, needs more. So, I guess I'm a primary TKDist, that dabs in this and that art. Ninjutsu is fun, I highly recommend it. JKD for me was hard, but the footwork's great. Ok, enough of my speech. Write your experience. LOL
I ask these questions because I'm a taekwondoist by mind but a cross-trainer by spirit. I want to take other arts, but every time I do or try, I always think, "Well, this isn't the TKD way of doing it." or "TKD's way is better." etc. I'm pretty hooked on my first art and sure I'll never give it up. Since I've done TKD for 5 and a half years and loved it, I guess I'm pretty devoted to it. However, I'm a firm believer in cross-training, as I know I need more than just my legs to survive a real fight. TKD's got me out of scrapes before, but it, like every art, needs more. So, I guess I'm a primary TKDist, that dabs in this and that art. Ninjutsu is fun, I highly recommend it. JKD for me was hard, but the footwork's great. Ok, enough of my speech. Write your experience. LOL