Armed and Ready? (Utah CCW statistics)


MT Mentor
Two interesting articles from Deseret News today I'd like to share with you.

The first link is about CCW permit statistics in Utah. I liked the opening paragraph.

If you are ever in a room with 40 or so other Utahns — say at a theater, restaurant or back-to-school night — odds are that at least one person there has a concealed weapon permit and could be legally packing a loaded handgun.

Armed and ready? About 1 in 40 Utahns packs a concealed weapon,1249,660215878,00.html

The second link is about opinions of those who carry on college campuses.

A paragraph that basically says it all is from thIS link:

But in 2004, the Legislature passed a law expressly saying the university is covered by a state law that allows concealed weapons on state property. The university challenged the law, but the Utah Supreme Court upheld it last year.

U. student says carrying pistol makes him feel safer,1249,660215879,00.html

- Ceicei

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