Why do we post? What are your reasons? Ill admit, at first it was fun, a good way to spend some in between time. Then it became, almost like, an obsession. Then I was spending more time here then with my family, then I realized, that we are like family. Some on the site, are like brothers or sisters, others, like distant cousins, but, bottom line is, we are all family. I mean, we shoot the baloney with each other, like we have known each other many years, and in some cases, we have, here on line. Some post pictures so we can match them with their screen name. Other, we have to surmise what they look like, some how, by their avatar. All in all though, I like this concept of interacting with people, family if you will. By the way, it won't hurt, for the lurkers to step up to the plate and at least introduce yourself. It would be like meeting that long lost relative, for the first time. I am looking for some thoughts.