Are there any strong martial art?

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I think the most violent MA is SOCCER! IM SERIOUS! Did you see how many guys went to hospital last year! Sliding takle is a great manuever! Dont you agree? Some say Football is awsome too, do you agree?
Originally posted by Infight
I think the most violent MA is SOCCER! IM SERIOUS! Did you see how many guys went to hospital last year! Sliding takle is a great manuever! Dont you agree? Some say Football is awsome too, do you agree?

<g> One of my instructors played in the amateur soccer leagues when he was a teen in the Netherlands. He said that's where he really developed his understanding of the footwork and kicking he'd been learning in his martial arts training.

soccer is football man...:D

i can honestly say soccer helped my martial arts a lot more than the other way around. i had a definite affinity for kicking when i started. i've been playing soccer since i was four and i can say that it helped me a lot.

but you could probably say that about any just have athleticism from playing sports a lot.
I don't play soccer, but I do play rugby. I'm pretty sure my kenpo has helped my rubgy game much more than kicking a rugby ball helped my martial arts. Just because you can kick a punt or grubber, doesn't mean you can throw a roundhouse, but if you've got a good roundhouse kick, you can make a mean punt!

By the way, I am NOT a white belt, I do know what I am talking about. I've been training for 13 years and that is way more beneficial to my rugby than rugby is to kenpo.

PS: does anyone know how to fix my little rank insignia to show my real rank?:shrug:
Originally posted by Crazy Chihuahua
By the way, I am NOT a white belt, I do know what I am talking about. I've been training for 13 years and that is way more beneficial to my rugby than rugby is to kenpo.

PS: does anyone know how to fix my little rank insignia to show my real rank?:shrug:


The "white belt" insignia is only indicative of how many posts you've made here. Nothing else.

So, there are 2 ways to fix it. Post a bunch or go into "user cp" and edit the Custom User Text in your profile.


Your belt rank goes on the amount of posts you have made. You can change the whole thing however by editing your options in the user cp. Many of us have done so as you will see from mine. Hope this helps.
Originally posted by tarabos
soccer is football man...:D

i can honestly say soccer helped my martial arts a lot more than the other way around. i had a definite affinity for kicking when i started. i've been playing soccer since i was four and i can say that it helped me a lot.

but you could probably say that about any just have athleticism from playing sports a lot.

I agree football is football, cause in american football they use more hand than foot, its strange!
I play soccer everyweek since i was born, and it did not helped me in my BJJ, but the most serious injuries i got was playing soccer (football to the guys who knows this sport).
A friend of mine plays a lot of paint ball. After doing Kali for a while, he was able to dodge balls shot from afar pretty well. I just gave him better footwork, along with the ability to track a fast moving object (like the ends of a stick). Most paintballers usually are able to track the balls eventually. Dodging on the other hand?

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