are FMA's really count as western MA?

I would not consider them a western martial art. Depending on your perspective and belief about the history of a particular FMA you might call it a hybrid.
I don't think I would classify it as either western or eastern. My brother-in-law does a fighting style call Mongoose and it's like Chi Na on steroids. Why some of the techniques are similar the are executed totally differently.
this is Mongoose. Neither western nor eastern
FMA - and the Philippines has a wide mix of cultural influences. For example some of the weapons work has Spanish influences. The boxing parts have heavy western influences. Silat which is actual Indonesian has a place in FMA as well.
That makes sense at least because Indonesia are near the phillipines. But that seems to support the idea that they are both Asian not western.

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would you say they are influenced by western and vice versa?

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And we can't leave out the kuntao lineages and influences which are largely Chinese derived arts. The Philippines were colonized by wave after wave of immigrants from different cultures and their martial heritages, they have all left there mark on the whole. However the individual arts will be dependent upon their histories.
It feels like they are more Asian.
Who classifies FMA's as WMA's? Or are you going by that old story of the Spanish Destreza Rapier Fencing as being a major influence on FMA? Or is it a mix up of the story of FMA being a major influence on modern Western boxing?

Anyway, I've not seen any reputable instructor or researcher or, well, anyone really, reputable or not, making the case that FMA's are WMA's.

Peace favor your sword,
someone mentioned it in this subforum

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