Anyone heard from Buka?

Missed this earlier - he's okay. Had a bit of a crazy night last night, and going to be without power for at least a week, but everyone's unhurt on his end.
Ah! Thanks for the update! Glad to hear he's ok.
Hi guys!
We're fine for the most part. Power keeps coming on then going down again so I'll make this brief.

The fires destroyed the town of Lahaina. I expect the death toll to rise dramatically, a lot of people are still missing. It will take years to rebuild.

Up here in upcountry Maui the fire still burns. Might have the smell of smoke in my nostrils for a long time. But we and the pup are okay. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for your concern. :)
Hi guys!
We're fine for the most part. Power keeps coming on then going down again so I'll make this brief.

The fires destroyed the town of Lahaina. I expect the death toll to rise dramatically, a lot of people are still missing. It will take years to rebuild.

Up here in upcountry Maui the fire still burns. Might have the smell of smoke in my nostrils for a long time. But we and the pup are okay. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for your concern. :)
Very sad happenings there. I'm glad to hear you're OK!
Hi guys!
We're fine for the most part. Power keeps coming on then going down again so I'll make this brief.

The fires destroyed the town of Lahaina. I expect the death toll to rise dramatically, a lot of people are still missing. It will take years to rebuild.

Up here in upcountry Maui the fire still burns. Might have the smell of smoke in my nostrils for a long time. But we and the pup are okay. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for your concern. :)

Be Safe,
Take care
Keep us posted
Hi guys!
We're fine for the most part. Power keeps coming on then going down again so I'll make this brief.

The fires destroyed the town of Lahaina. I expect the death toll to rise dramatically, a lot of people are still missing. It will take years to rebuild.

Up here in upcountry Maui the fire still burns. Might have the smell of smoke in my nostrils for a long time. But we and the pup are okay. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for your concern. :)
I was in Lahaina about 20 years ago. Sad.

If you know the lyrics to the Eagles song "the Last Resort" that mention Lahaina, it's a really surreal bit of foresight. The destruction of paradise by manifest destiny.
The state is having all tourists leave. There aren't enough resources available in an emergency of this magnitude. I spoke with the cops at the airport, the last three nights there have been over two thousand people sleeping on the floor there, awaiting flights. They're sleeping on tables, inside turned off X-Ray machines, on counters, anyplace the guys can help them get some rest.

The State is telling all tourists to NOT come here. When the State turns away tourist money, you know it's serious.

Some folks I know in the entertainment industry filled a plane with supplies that landed yesterday. Another one lands on Monday. A drop in the bucket for what's needed, but it's a start and they've been reaching out to others that can help.

Meanwhile, the fire that's above us on the mountain (the one below us forced our evacuation, it was just too damn close) is still burning. MFD says it's only 50 percent contained. So we're watching that bad boy carefully. We have stuff still packed if we have to skedaddle again.

I'll share any news as I get it. But you don't get much out here. The "coconut wireless" (local people communicating by text or phone) if far more reliable than the news. I know that sounds strange, but that's the way it is here.

What a mess.
The state is having all tourists leave. There aren't enough resources available in an emergency of this magnitude. I spoke with the cops at the airport, the last three nights there have been over two thousand people sleeping on the floor there, awaiting flights. They're sleeping on tables, inside turned off X-Ray machines, on counters, anyplace the guys can help them get some rest.

The State is telling all tourists to NOT come here. When the State turns away tourist money, you know it's serious.

Some folks I know in the entertainment industry filled a plane with supplies that landed yesterday. Another one lands on Monday. A drop in the bucket for what's needed, but it's a start and they've been reaching out to others that can help.

Meanwhile, the fire that's above us on the mountain (the one below us forced our evacuation, it was just too damn close) is still burning. MFD says it's only 50 percent contained. So we're watching that bad boy carefully. We have stuff still packed if we have to skedaddle again.

I'll share any news as I get it. But you don't get much out here. The "coconut wireless" (local people communicating by text or phone) if far more reliable than the news. I know that sounds strange, but that's the way it is here.

What a mess.
One of my loved ones is a Red Cross leader and was prepared to go to Guam, but he let us know yesterday it was going to end up being Hawaii. That's just all sorts of messed up. At least he doesn't need a passport.

I have to keep reminding myself there is a 6 hour time zone difference. I'm waiting for texts, buts the sun isn't even over Honolulu yet. I'm genuinely worried for him, and you all.

God speed.
As I've said before, EMTs and Firefighters have always been my real life heroes. I can't imagine what life would be like without them.

On the local news last night they interviewed a husband and wife who have been firefighters in Lahaina for over fifteen years.

There were a lot of fire fighters battling that blaze. Of them, eighteen of them live in Lahaina. Seventeen of them lost their homes. They still went to work the next day to help others.

One of the woman firefighters interviewed said the fire was so hot and the wind so bad, they had to run behind their truck for a minute not to be turned into toast (my words, not hers)

They battled that fire until they ran out of water, then just grabbed people, put them on their truck and got them out of there. And kept going back and doing it again.

People have been found burned alive in their cars, covering their pets they were trying to save. I cry when I watch the news.

Only three percent of Lahaina has been searched for victims. More cadaver dogs are being flown in from across the country. The death toll will likely reach two hundred.

Please pray for rain for this island.
I've never been to Hawaii, but have spent time in rural Japan, Jamaica, Mexico and the US. I would guess the village of Lahaina represents the shrinking, traditional island life more so than tourist-commercial oriented bigger cities. I see it akin to endangered species in a fragile ecosystem where a significant loss of life is felt so much more. It is a great loss not only for Lahaina, but Maui, the whole state and the USA as well. Buka's observations above bring home both the tragedy and heroism we can all identify with and thus allow us to share, in a small degree, the experience. President Kennedy once famously stated in Germany during the cold war, "We are all Berliners." Today, we can say, "We are all Hawaiian."
I've never been to Hawaii, but have spent time in rural Japan, Jamaica, Mexico and the US. I would guess the village of Lahaina represents the shrinking, traditional island life more so than tourist-commercial oriented bigger cities. I see it akin to endangered species in a fragile ecosystem where a significant loss of life is felt so much more. It is a great loss not only for Lahaina, but Maui, the whole state and the USA as well. Buka's observations above bring home both the tragedy and heroism we can all identify with and thus allow us to share, in a small degree, the experience. President Kennedy once famously stated in Germany during the cold war, "We are all Berliners." Today, we can say, "We are all Hawaiian."
Thanks, brother, well said.

I'm watching the live feed of the ongoing emergency meetings to inform everyone on Maui of what's going on. There's a lot of military Generals here, boots on the ground, bringing in everything and working to bring more of everything needed.

All the animals in shelters are going to the mainland to make room for any missing animals in Lahaina. If my family and friends were okay, all I'd care about would be my dog. The response to this horrible tragedy is reaffirming my faith in mankind.

God bless all the emergency workers. God bless everyone. Stay safe.
I started to write about Maui, but got bummed out and deleted it.

So, instead.....

People are helping each other, sharing, raising money for others, helping out the Humane Society, which needs it. We're donating money, kennels, leashes etc. Pet food isn't needed, too much was donated. (by too much I mean too many truck fulls)

I just lost a buddy here, natural causes unrelated to what's going on. Lost another buddy on the east coast, also natural causes. Been talking with the families, sharing stories, celebrating their lives, doing a lot of laughing celebrating who they were.

I might be going back to work soon. Not at the airport, that life is over for me. I don't miss it. I miss the guys, not the visitors. Might be going to work at King Kamehameha High School, a terrific institution, one of the best high schools in the country.

We still need rain. We were supposed to get some today, but it changed its mind.

I hope everyone is well. :)
Well, that didn't take long....

Right wing videos on Youtube exposing the tragic fires here as purposely being set by the government.

Ads on the radio of Law Firms from all over the country offering to help everyone sue somebody, anybody and everybody. Best part about a couple of those ads is the disclaimer at the end of them. It sounds like it's played at five times the speed and basically says results may vary.

All these people suck so bad.
Well, that didn't take long....

Right wing videos on Youtube exposing the tragic fires here as purposely being set by the government.

Ads on the radio of Law Firms from all over the country offering to help everyone sue somebody, anybody and everybody. Best part about a couple of those ads is the disclaimer at the end of them. It sounds like it's played at five times the speed and basically says results may vary.

All these people suck so bad.
I'm seeing things where companies are supposedly reaching out to victims about buying their property from them? Sounds a bit like being a vulture exploiting tragedy but not sure that's actually happening. Can you verify if this is happening?

Take care of yourself!
I started to write about Maui, but got bummed out and deleted it.

So, instead.....

People are helping each other, sharing, raising money for others, helping out the Humane Society, which needs it. We're donating money, kennels, leashes etc. Pet food isn't needed, too much was donated. (by too much I mean too many truck fulls)

I just lost a buddy here, natural causes unrelated to what's going on. Lost another buddy on the east coast, also natural causes. Been talking with the families, sharing stories, celebrating their lives, doing a lot of laughing celebrating who they were.

I might be going back to work soon. Not at the airport, that life is over for me. I don't miss it. I miss the guys, not the visitors. Might be going to work at King Kamehameha High School, a terrific institution, one of the best high schools in the country.

We still need rain. We were supposed to get some today, but it changed its mind.

I hope everyone is well. :)
Is that the school that provided the choir voices for the Lilo and Stitch soundtrack?
Many hugs to your Island, friend. I hope it grows back better than ever!
I'm seeing things where companies are supposedly reaching out to victims about buying their property from them? Sounds a bit like being a vulture exploiting tragedy but not sure that's actually happening. Can you verify if this is happening?

Take care of yourself!
modern day looting
I'm seeing things where companies are supposedly reaching out to victims about buying their property from them? Sounds a bit like being a vulture exploiting tragedy but not sure that's actually happening. Can you verify if this is happening?

Take care of yourself!
I was told there's been a little of this by e-mail in form letters. I'm not sure if any of that is factual.

But our Governor, Josh Green (awesome Governor, even better person) is not allowing it in the state. He was on that from day two. And he didn't mention it in passing, he used very strong words and spoke very calmly and clearly about it.
Is that the school that provided the choir voices for the Lilo and Stitch soundtrack?
Many hugs to your Island, friend. I hope it grows back better than ever!
If I remember correctly, I think the choir was from the King K Elementary school. (part of the same educational organization)
If I remember correctly, I think the choir was from the King K Elementary school. (part of the same educational organization)
Looked it up, it's billed as the Kamehameha school children's choir.