Anyone getting weird errors?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
such as partial page loads, broken displays or a -huge- top part that pauses then squishes itself to normal when loading a page?

Trying to see if its just me, or if somethings gone wonky with MT.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
such as partial page loads, broken displays or a -huge- top part that pauses then squishes itself to normal when loading a page?

Trying to see if its just me, or if somethings gone wonky with MT.


No Errors on MT yet in the Chat room some peopel are still ahving the drop issue such as Ender.

That is the only complaint I have heard recently :(

I hope this helps :)
Had a few problems with pages loading funny. top of page at bottom of sceen, things being compressd, etc. but i think it was my comp rather than mT. every thing seems fine the last couple of days
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
a -huge- top part that pauses then squishes itself to normal when loading a page?

Definitely getting that (in bands of blue).
Originally posted by arnisador
Definitely getting that (in bands of blue).

Ok, I tweaked something. If anyone is still getting this error, please let me know.

Trying to see if its just me, or if somethings gone wonky with MT.

not sure what "wonky" is.....but everything seems to work for me.

Ok...I've gotted 3 reports that folks are having problems accessing the "My Account" area.

Please, test it and post here if you get any errors...what the error is would also help too.


(Note-Ive been unable to recreate the error in any browser)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Ok...I've gotted 3 reports that folks are having problems accessing the "My Account" area.

Please, test it and post here if you get any errors...what the error is would also help too.


(Note-Ive been unable to recreate the error in any browser)

I have had no porblems at all with My Account all day beingthe 7th and early 8th :D of July.
The alert doesnt' always work when I get a PM. I'd say it works about 30% of the time.
When I go to the most recent post in a thread, esp. when there's only one, I often end up at the bottom of the message so it isn't readable. This used to happen on occasion but has become more frequent.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Ok...I've gotted 3 reports that folks are having problems accessing the "My Account" area.

Please, test it and post here if you get any errors...what the error is would also help too.


(Note-Ive been unable to recreate the error in any browser)

This error persits for me.
From if I click on my account it takes me to this URL

You have hit this page because the one you are seeking is either no longer online, or has been moved.
To access out Forums please click here
To access our main site please click here or wait a few seconds to be automatically forwarded there.
Thank you.
The Staff

This is on Explorer 6 on XP.
On Explorer 6 on '98 I get the same thing.

Ok, I found it, and it'll be fixed momentatilly.

There was a typo in the header for the main page ( only, not the forums.

If you still have this issue, please clear your borwser cache, and shut down all browsers, then try again.

i never had any of those error messages or anything. I hope they don't start coming now that you tweeked it!!!!!
The ones I found were nothing major, simple mislinking on the main page, not within the forum itself.

Oh, a few people have asked again about popups.
My policy hasn't changed. MT will not do popups (outside of those required by the software when you click links).
If you are getting them, please do a detailed scan for spyware on your pC, and I'd recomend a good popup blocker. See the Computer Support forum for info on those.

Thank you!

Originally posted by arnisador
When I go to the most recent post in a thread, esp. when there's only one, I often end up at the bottom of the message so it isn't readable. This used to happen on occasion but has become more frequent.


I have also had this "error" of late :(
For the past couple of days I have been getting a "time out error" from com, when I am opening multiple tabs and replying on a thread before they are all through opening. I assume this is a browser glitch and I am ready to upgrade to 1.4 anyway.
Some hyperlinks created by users in their posts were having issues, but that got fixed shortly. There were also some issues with hyperlinks on user names I found in one place. One person's profile name would be displayed, but when you clicked on it, it would go to a different person's profile. This only happened once. All these things were rare occurences over the past week.

About the "huge- top part that pauses then squishes itself to normal" -- that happens when either the computer is low on virutal memory or when downstream rates are lagging. So, whether or not this occurs is a function of computer speed and isp speed, atleast that is my understanding.

Also, martialtalk has sometimes been kinda slow at certain times. Don't know if it is my isp or martialtalk itself.
Issues with hyperlinks: Due to the major reorganization last Dec. internal links created prior to then may goto the wrong spot. We're fixing em as we find them.

Also, some external links are no longer valid. When you hit one, let us know and we will look into it. I know one of the external FAQs is no longer valid, and I'm attempting to locate a replacement for it.

The 'display' issues: I've noticed some issues myself, usually when I'm doing alot of downloading or ftping. Seems to be more of a problem with my cable connection than when I had DSL. There were a few code hiccups that were also causing issues that I thought I'd squashed. Let me know if it gets better or worse.

Server/network: Its still humming along smoothly, though I did hit some net congestion recently. The network issues were outside our control. I'm hoping to boost the ram in the server as well as add an additional CPU before the end of the year, funding permitting. More so to keep ahead of the need.

Keep me posted. though on issues.
i am having trouble with the links loading from my mailbox. is this problem happening with anyone else???