Anyone else shop on Nihonto?

Personally, i'd buy a new one from an up and coming Smith, consider it an investment that would, hopefully, appreciate in value over the years.
Or something I can use in class multiple times a week for the next 20 years.
Yep, that's a good one. There are several other sites similar to that one that I love to look at ... Ricecracker, Aoi Art, Usagiya ... Unfortunately, I can't afford most of what they have, but they're great to look through.
That would be why you only shop through reputable firms. The firm mentioned in the original post, as well as those that I mentioned later, are all run by reputable people with a lot of knowledge in the world of collectable Japanese swords. If they sold a fake sword, it would quickly become known in the relatively small world of Japanese sword collectors, and they would never be able to sell anything again.
It is easy to find fakes aplenty on places such as e-bay though. If you're going to purchase something there, then you need to know all about Japanese swords and how to tell the genuine thing from a fake. Even then, you'll not know for sure until it is in your hand.
That would be why you only shop through reputable firms. The firm mentioned in the original post, as well as those that I mentioned later, are all run by reputable people with a lot of knowledge in the world of collectable Japanese swords. If they sold a fake sword, it would quickly become known in the relatively small world of Japanese sword collectors, and they would never be able to sell anything again.
It is easy to find fakes aplenty on places such as e-bay though. If you're going to purchase something there, then you need to know all about Japanese swords and how to tell the genuine thing from a fake. Even then, you'll not know for sure until it is in your hand.

Thanks Dude! :)

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