Anybody know who Glen Levy "ninjitsu expert" is?

What about Hayes Sensei?

What hayes is doing is a legitimate offshoot that can be called ninjutsu or ninpo because at Least Hayes was with Hatsumi sensei long enough to have learned the skills, or at least got a good teaching of the basics. Calling him a ninja grandmaster though is over the top because he did not receive grandmastership in the traditional ryuha.

I know this seems a bit nitpickish, but Hayes did not receive everything so his knowledge is not 'complete' for want of a better word. But what he is doing can at least arguably be called ninjutsu. Same for our member Chris Parker in Australia.
I realise it's a bit late but just saw this. I used to know Glen way back in the day, we used to flat together with a group of others. At the time I was studying Bujunkan Ninjitsu under Sensei Wayne Christianson from the Manurewa dojo. I had attained my green belt, 2nd yellow tip so not an expert by any means.

Glen had certainly done some forms of martial arts (mostly TKD I believe), he had done a form of Ninjitsu, not Bujunkan though. He was just starting to develop his own style, Hyoujitsu. I always respected his ability as a fighter, he was certainly better than me.

He was always caught up in the film industry and did have that veneer, nobody's perfect. He did have one heck of a one inch punch though.