Any advice for fibromyalgia and M.A/working out?


White Belt
Sep 23, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all!

So I've loved martial arts and mucle/strength building for the longest time. Ever since I was a young teen. Bruce Lee has been my hero for as long as I can remember, and I adore World's Strongest Man. Have done for so long.

I've always wanted that for myself, but I've always had extreme chronic fatigue. That means less than 0% energy every second of every day. Over time that developed into fibromyalgia, so now it's less than 0% energy, AND pain all over all the time...

Still, there's a Muay Thai class near me and I'd love to attend, but feeling like a dead zombie who's in pain all the time and excersising are incompatible. I joined a local gym a while ago, and my elbows feel like they're breaking, and my right shoulder is causing indescribable pain so stopped.

If that's going to be the rest of my life, then life isn't worth living.

So I've been doing push ups every day just to try and build up some form of an eventual program and just getting into the habit.

My everything is still very sore and I'm still so unbelievably exhausted, but it tolerable. I've been doing it "grease the groove" style. (Look up Pavel Tsatsouline and Grease the Groove)

I have a punching bag in my garage, and a makeshift pull up bar as well. And Again, that Muay Thai class would be great if possible as well, but I have to get fit first.

I get that pain all over is fibromyalgia, but wtf is wrong with my shoulder, I have no idea.

So am I just completely screwed, or is there ANY light at the end of the tunnel, and if so, how? I'd like to get as strong as possible, and although size would be really nice too, it'd be an added bonus.

Any advice or recommendations would be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
1. Look up the activities (gym/martial arts club) in your area and mark the ones you're interested in;
2. Ask your doctor whether it's safe for you to go try them.
3. Go try.

Unfortunately, we can't really give you any advice as we are completely ignorant about your medical condition.