Just bought myself this Sharps four-barrel derringer in .22 short, mostly as a curiosity as I don't think I will risk shooting modern .22 shorts in it.
Modern .22 short has much higher pressures than the original blackpowder .22 short, and this is also a gun that is 130 years old, so while it is in pristine condition mechanically(and I know it works with .22 blanks) and the barrel looks to be in good shape, even having some rifling left, I cannot know what previous owners have put it trough, and there might be micro fractures in the barrel, so best to play it safe. CB caps(Known as 6MM Flobert in Europe) and the CCI .22 CB Short (both of which are powered by the primer only) will probably be safe to use in it. Looking forward to killing hordes of empty beer cans at my cabin.
Weapons manufactured before 1890 can be freely sold in Norway, without any of the regular bureaucratic hassle associated with attaining weapons the regular way, and since I already have weapons chambered for .22 LR, I can freely buy ammunition for the derringer in the form of .22 CB caps, .22 BB caps and .22 short.

Modern .22 short has much higher pressures than the original blackpowder .22 short, and this is also a gun that is 130 years old, so while it is in pristine condition mechanically(and I know it works with .22 blanks) and the barrel looks to be in good shape, even having some rifling left, I cannot know what previous owners have put it trough, and there might be micro fractures in the barrel, so best to play it safe. CB caps(Known as 6MM Flobert in Europe) and the CCI .22 CB Short (both of which are powered by the primer only) will probably be safe to use in it. Looking forward to killing hordes of empty beer cans at my cabin.

Weapons manufactured before 1890 can be freely sold in Norway, without any of the regular bureaucratic hassle associated with attaining weapons the regular way, and since I already have weapons chambered for .22 LR, I can freely buy ammunition for the derringer in the form of .22 CB caps, .22 BB caps and .22 short.