"Anti-MMA sport" Martial Arts Master challenges NY Gov. David Paterson to public debate.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Too funny. Hey, he sound familiar?


Martial arts Master Christian Whitney of NJ has challenged NY Governor David Paterson to a public debate regarding the legalization of the cage fighting sport known as MMA. The debate will cover all negative traits developed in the sport.

(I-Newswire) January 19, 2010 - On January 18, 2010 Martial arts Master Christian Whitney of New Jersey sent a formal letter challenging NY Governor Paterson to a public debate. This debate is regarding why the Governor feels the sport should be made legal and if he is aware of all of the negative traits that are developed in the practitioners. Master Whitney is concerned that the Governor&#8217;s knowledge of the sport is one sided and that he hasn't heard the voice of the people who are against legalizing the sport. He is more specifically concerned if the Governor is aware of the negative facts that the sport&#8217;s promoters hide so diligently. This will certainly be a very controversial debate, should the Governor accept.

The debate would also be focusing on if it is simply being considered for revenue to the state without concern of the people or anything else. Gov. Paterson was informed that a press release would be made and that the public would be awaiting a reply. No statement from the Governor's office has been made as of this time.


Individuals - Must not be involved in MMA sports in anyway or form, including any membership on any internet Martial sport sites.
(such as Bullshido, Martial Talk or any of the other numerous MMA / TKD sport websites)

Now this is too funny. If you're a member of any website that shows the holes in the training, you're not welcome.

Ah Found him. Now, I am truly amused.

Yeah, I can see ol Blind Pete debating the Master here.
Wow! To be a member of the The Martial Arts Essence Mission, you can't even spar and declare winners in the school! Sure, I just clocked you into next week, and you won't remember your name for a month -- but I didn't win! And when the little tots play soccer and no one keeps score, they don't know who won, either...
Wow! To be a member of the The Martial Arts Essence Mission, you can't even spar and declare winners in the school! Sure, I just clocked you into next week, and you won't remember your name for a month -- but I didn't win! And when the little tots play soccer and no one keeps score, they don't know who won, either...
We don't keep score when we spar, there are no declared winners, but, everyone KNOWS who came out on top and who didn't.
That said, The Martial Arts Essence Mission smells like the essence of feces to me...
Looking at his site, he's still advocating sport MA, just labeling it as "Bushido Kickboxing" and promises to promote the SD aspect, and point out the non-SD things of kickboxing.

Kind of ironic, huh?

Is this guy legit? He's got eleventybillion credentials, and seems to like incense... A LOT.

He seems a bit pricey for what he offers, too. Could he just be lashing out in response towards declining student retention?

He prefers to be called Master in stead of Grand Master or Sifu.

A real "Master" wouldn't complain about semantics or waste time arguing with people about it online. He (or she) would just keep on truckin' and teaching what they thought was worth teaching.
I like how he builds his case by fallaciously associating his cause with vague and unrelated quotes and references to righteousness, benevolence and balance.
Okay, having read through that entire thread, I will say that it appears to me, in my opinion only, as a lay individual with no formal training in medicine, that the guy is unhinged.

I'm not saying that he IS crazy. He just appears very crazy to me.
I thought in the interests of proper martial arts I would post this gentleman's site etc up on a UK MMA forum I use, you know to give it the international touch as it were. A few who post on there fight in America so they needed to know. There's also some very clever wordsmiths there so I do hope the site doesn't get flooded with emails......:boing2:
He's banned from here. The one thread linked says quite a bit. Enough said IMO.
Bullshido's not being anywhere as kind as us to him.
Not to worry me thinkest Patterson has to many other problems of his own at the moment to care much about this

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