Yellow Belt
hello people i have been reading through the posts and thoughts of many great people on here over the last week so i thought i would join because of been kinda hooked to this site to tell you the truth. The worst thing is i have been doing this through my smart phone because my laptop is down at the mo. Anyway i wanted to learn a art from Japan because i have always loved the country with a passion but i ended up learning wing chun. It came about by me siting on a bus and over hearing this guy talk about it and before you know it he was giving me one on one lessons without asking for anything in return. Before i knew it i fell in love with the art, we ended up going to his lessons and practing with his sifu, in this little garage just 5 or so guys and in over a month practing mostly everyday i couldnt be happier anyway thats my story gona go i`ll be late for work thanks for reading