Another Deep Sea Oddity

I am ever reminded of just how little we know of our own world, let alone the universe at large :eek:. A fish with a transparent helmet over it's eyes ... whatever next :)?
I often wonder why we (as a race) spend so much time and money trying to probe space when there is so much to see here on our rock*— the deep seas, for one.

I often wonder why we (as a race) spend so much time and money trying to probe space when there is so much to see here on our rock*— the deep seas, for one.


Because for the long-term survival of the species we need to get off of said rock, we've pretty much maxed this one out.
I often wonder why we (as a race) spend so much time and money trying to probe space when there is so much to see here on our rock*— the deep seas, for one.


There is some really cool **** out there, for one thing. I'm glad to pay my share of taxes for images like the following.


Engineering wise, it's actually easier to probe space than it is the deep sea. More bang for your buck.