Another book recommendation


Senior Master
Got another one for y'all...

The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection By David Barton.

This is really more of a long essay than a book (it'll probably only take 30-40 minutes to read). Barton, who has done intensive research on the Constitution, the founding fathers, and documents from that time period, presents some great information.

He provides evidence from four main sources to make his point that the original intent of the 2nd Ammendment was to guarentee the individual right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for both self-defense and to oppose the government should it overstep its bounds. He cites correspondence and writings of some of the founding fathers prior to, during, and after the Constitution was written, he also quotes many things these men said regarding the importance of firearms in a free society. Finally, he looks at early legislative acts and the constitutions of various states.

Great read, I strongly recommend that you check it out. Amazon has it used from about $2.50 and new for around $5.00. It'll cost you less than a meal at a fast-food place so you don't really have a good excuse not to get this one. :D