another animal quiz

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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linked off of the quiz IamBaytor posted.

I got this, which is so funny, since I can be so chatty:

Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma ~ The Puma spirit represents power, grace and stealth in darkness, but its real power lies in the silence of its eerie, unblinking stare that seems to bore deep into one's soul. This teaching can help us to discover the benefits of concentration, deep contemplation and prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the unknown to feel its power, we can be guided by our puma friend to the light on the other side. The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt. It knows when to be invisible and when to make its awesome presence known. Silence is its sword and power. Silence is highly respected among American Indians and is seen as a holy state of consciousness as we quietly behold the grace and glory of the Creator. It is said that silence speaks words of the Great Mystery. When the student is ready, the puma teacher may bring knowledge of this powerful medicine. Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:
Using leadership power wisely and without ego
Balancing power, intention, strength
Gaining self-confidence
Freedom from guilt
Bear Spirit Calls To You ~ Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge
Also a bear...
It's funny, that's what my wife always compares me to.

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~ Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge
I'm the....Eagle!
Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
Keen sight
Illumination of Spirit
Knowledge of magick
Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
Rising above the material to see the spiritual
Ability to see the overall pattern
Connection to spirit guides and teachers
Great power and balance
Dignity with grace

I don't agree with all of those but that's okay. It's just for fun anyway. :)

Robyn :asian:
Feisty Mouse said:
PM, you are so all about astral travel!!

That blob of blue energy looking over your shoulder is my etheric double, Mouse. ;)

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~
Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:

*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge
Another eagle over here.....
Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
Keen sight
Illumination of Spirit
Knowledge of magick
Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
Rising above the material to see the spiritual
Ability to see the overall pattern
Connection to spirit guides and teachers
Great power and balance
Dignity with grace"
It is this loss of faith that has left a void in Indian life-a void that civilization cannot fill. The old life was attuned to nature's rhythm-bound in mystical ties to the sun, moon and stars; to the waving grasses, flowing streams and whispering winds. It is not a question (as so many white writers like to state it) of the white man "bringing the Indian up to his plane of thought and action." It is rather a case where the white man had better grasp some of the Indian's spiritual strength. I protest against calling my people savages. How can the Indian, sharing all the virtues of the white man, be justly called a savage? The white race today is but half civilized and unable to order his life into ways of peace and righteousness.

Luther Standing Bear, 1931
Darn quiz gave me the bird:

Heron's Spirit Calls To You!
Heron's Wisdom Includes:
All aspects of diversity
Balancing multiple tasks

Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma ~ The Puma spirit represents power, grace and stealth in darkness, but its real power lies in the silence of its eerie, unblinking stare that seems to bore deep into one's soul. This teaching can help us to discover the benefits of concentration, deep contemplation and prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the unknown to feel its power, we can be guided by our puma friend to the light on the other side. The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt. It knows when to be invisible and when to make its awesome presence known. Silence is its sword and power. Silence is highly respected among American Indians and is seen as a holy state of consciousness as we quietly behold the grace and glory of the Creator. It is said that silence speaks words of the Great Mystery. When the student is ready, the puma teacher may bring knowledge of this powerful medicine. Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:
Using leadership power wisely and without ego
Balancing power, intention, strength
Gaining self-confidence
Freedom from guilt
Eagle again. Woo Hoo Gin-Gin and Opal Dragon!
OUMoose said:

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~
Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:

*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge
Ya that's what it says about me too... I would've thought the Wolf since (one of) my names translates to "Young Wolf Counselor". Oh well...
Heres me:

Jaguar Spirit Calls To You!
Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
Seeing the roads within chaos
Understanding the patterns of chaos
Moving without fear in the darkness
Facilitating soul work
Empowering oneself
Moving in unknown places
Psychic sight


  • $jag.JPG
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Bear Spirit Calls To You ~ Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge

i think i've taken this one before

Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
Keen sight
Illumination of Spirit
Knowledge of magick
Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
Rising above the material to see the spiritual
Ability to see the overall pattern
Connection to spirit guides and teachers
Great power and balance
Dignity with grace
Bear Spirit Calls To Me

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~ Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge

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