And that moment I sighed.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
They won't let me cut off my gi sleeves because "that will look tacky".
[QUOTE="Ironbear24, post: 176283 They hide my muscular arms.[/QUOTE]

Ah, well guess a lot of blokes love their guns.
OK, so you weren't joking about the hiding the muscular arms thing...

I have to ask.... Who is it that you are trying to impress? Is there a cute little Hottie that is in class, or what? Or, are you trying to intimidate smaller people?

Either one is a valid reason for your stated purpose. I'm not going to comment on the motivation further, but maybe you see my point.

Or, maybe you don't and that's OK, too.
OK, so you weren't joking about the hiding the muscular arms thing...

I have to ask.... Who is it that you are trying to impress? Is there a cute little Hottie that is in class, or what? Or, are you trying to intimidate smaller people?

Either one is a valid reason for your stated purpose. I'm not going to comment on the motivation further, but maybe you see my point.

Or, maybe you don't and that's OK, too.

It's not about any of that. It's just I have worked so hard getting them in the first place that I want them to be visible. Would you hide an expensive car? Or a really cool tattoo?
By the way. I come from a stringlet friendly town and girls don't need you to take your clothes off to tell you have a hot body. It makes you look like you are trying too hard
Would you hide an expensive car? Or a really cool tattoo?
A lot of guys at my gym have really cool tattoos that they probably spent a lot of money and time on. They still wear regular gis with full length sleeves.

Anyway, even if you train at the dojo 3 hours per day every day of the week, that still leaves 21 hours a day you could wear something that allows you to show off your arms.
A lot of guys at my gym have really cool tattoos that they probably spent a lot of money and time on. They still wear regular gis with full length sleeves.

Anyway, even if you train at the dojo 3 hours per day every day of the week, that still leaves 21 hours a day you could wear something that allows you to show off your arms.

Yeah. But you do kind of need the sleeves to bjj.
Otherwise mma is mad keen for a shirt off moment.

...I read all of this assuming you were being sarcastic, until the expensive car comment. You are actually complaining you can't cut the sleeves off your gi?