Almost got hurt- not sure what happened or how serious


White Belt
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
49 year old male rolling since May

So yesterday we were doing passing the knee drills. I was on top. I got tossed and the other guy was going to roll over on top of me to bear his weight down. I tried to brace the ground but my position was awkward, one arm slightly out further than the other. I felt all the pressure bearing on my right shoulder /arm, felt like it would dislocate, then suddenly it felt like fire was running up and down my arm. A very hot feeling/sensation, not like the electrical shock feeling you would associate with something nerve related.
I still have full range of motion and can grab things today. It’s just the feeling of numbness comes and goes radiating up and down my arm.
Any thoughts on what happening and how o should recover? My grappling professor recommended icing the shoulder then foam rolling upper chest and back.
49 year old male rolling since May

So yesterday we were doing passing the knee drills. I was on top. I got tossed and the other guy was going to roll over on top of me to bear his weight down.
This in not that kind of forum.
I tried to brace the ground but my position was awkward, one arm slightly out further than the other. I felt all the pressure bearing on my right shoulder /arm, felt like it would dislocate, then suddenly it felt like fire was running up and down my arm. A very hot feeling/sensation, not like the electrical shock feeling you would associate with something nerve related.
I still have full range of motion and can grab things today. It’s just the feeling of numbness comes and goes radiating up and down my arm.
Any thoughts on what happening and how o should recover? My grappling professor recommended icing the shoulder then foam rolling upper chest and back.
Sound like brachial plexus damage.
Any thoughts on what happening and how o should recover? My grappling professor recommended icing the shoulder then foam rolling upper chest and back.
My thoughts. See a doctor. The last thing you want is lasting nerve damage because you didn't get it treated correctly. Especially at the age of 49. Better to go to the doctor and have someone physically check you out. That way they can put pressure on your arm and ask you if it hurts. :) But seriously zi vote for going to see the doctor.

This in not that kind of forum.

Sound like brachial plexus damage.
Interesting. That's the same thing CoPilot Ai stated. Brachial Plexus Injury or Shoulder Strain.

CoPilot also stated: "It’s reassuring that they still have full range of motion and can grab things, but the persistent numbness suggests that they should see a healthcare professional to rule out any serious injury and get appropriate treatment."
49 year old male rolling since May

So yesterday we were doing passing the knee drills. I was on top. I got tossed and the other guy was going to roll over on top of me to bear his weight down. I tried to brace the ground but my position was awkward, one arm slightly out further than the other. I felt all the pressure bearing on my right shoulder /arm, felt like it would dislocate, then suddenly it felt like fire was running up and down my arm. A very hot feeling/sensation, not like the electrical shock feeling you would associate with something nerve related.
I still have full range of motion and can grab things today. It’s just the feeling of numbness comes and goes radiating up and down my arm.
Any thoughts on what happening and how o should recover? My grappling professor recommended icing the shoulder then foam rolling upper chest and back.
I've torn both my rotator cuffs in the past. The pain was similar to what you describe but one difference, my range of motion was affected. So I don't think you tore the rotator. Man that was a hell of an injury both times I got it. But also this is not a medical forum, I understand this happened during martial arts. Surprisingly I've seen these types of things with beginners in grappling arts frequently. Sometimes beginner leave their arm out when rolling, or try to post, or even put their arm out to break their fall from a throw or takedown.