

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
My 12 year old son has recently developed seasonal allergies. When he goes outside he tears up, starts sneezing within a minute or so, and his rubs eyes constantly. Neither my wife nor I have seasonal allergies--any advice? We have Claritin which helps some and have turned on the AC in the house and car (to clean the air, not cool it). Is there another obvious home remedy/palliative that we may be missing?

We live in Indiana and have been told that we're in one of the worst possible places for those with allergies.
If you can buy honey from as close to your home as possible,
and give him a tablespoon minimum, each day. I've heard
within a 5 mile radius (saw it on the discovery channel a couple
years ago). I've told a lot of people about this, and a decent
handful of people have went with that recommendation, and
couldn't believe the results.
Look at a HEPA room cleaner. I picked up a good one from Walmart for about $100. It does make a difference. Its a 2 stage filter, similar to those used in hospitals. The 'charchol' one runs about $7 and you'll go thru 1 a month. The HEPA is like $60, and you'll do 1-2 a year. Thats at running 24/7. It has a 'quiet' mode so he can run it in his room at night (thats where mine is). Also has an Ionizer to help remove dust n pollen. Mines by Vicks, and was well reviewed. Model V9130

I've been running that filter for over a year..It has helped my eyes a bit. You might also be able to add a HEPA filter to your house AC. Don't know what the costs are though. Check out Consumer Reports, I think they did a report recently on HEPA systems.
Did some digging for ya...The <CADR> sites esp. interesting.

This is some government info..mostly over my head.

Manual for mine in PDF format
sales info

Clean Air Delivery Rate <CADR>(Info site, also does comparisons of cleaners and has a FAQ)

Product literature for the V9130
Advanced Air Care for your home and family.

HEPA filter media captures airborne particles and bacteria as small as 0.3 microns.
Advanced 4-stage filter system.
Filters the amount of air in an average room (12 x 14 feet) 6 times per hours.*
Ionizer freshens and helps remove particles from room air.
True Hepa Filter Media - Captures 99 97/100% of Airborne Particles - as small as 0.3 Microns such as:

Mold Spores
Pet Dander
How it Works - The Vicks® True Hepa Air Purifier can be part of an overall allergen reduction solution for your family.

Indoor air pollutants are unwanted and sometimes harmful materials in the air of every home. These particles and gases may cause allergic reactions when breathed into your lungs.

If you suffer from allergies associated with airborne particles (allergens), there are three recommended strategies for allergen reduction:

Control the source of the allergens by doing things such as vacuuming regularly and removing pollinating plants.
Ventilate your home when practical, replacing contaminated air.
Use an air cleaner.
This combination of strategies, including the use of a Vicks True HEPA Air Purifier, may result in reduction of airborne allergens in your home.

For best results, place the Air Cleaner near the source of pollutants or where it can process air of occupied areas.

Four Steps to Cleaner Air:

Activated Carbon - The Activated Carbon is on the surface of the Particle Prefilter and captures gases and odors from the air. When you replace the Prefilter every three months you automatically refresh the gas- and odor-capturing capability of the Vicks Air Purifier.
Particle Prefilter - The Particle Prefilter captures larger particles and prolongs the life of the HEPA Filter. It should be replaced every three months.
HEPA Filter - The HEPA Filter is capable of removing submicron size particles from the air passing through it - the filter captures 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. Experts who recommend air cleaners recommend HEPA more often than any other type. This type of filter requires no cleaning or other maintenance and will last 1-3 years, depending on usage environment.
Ionizer - Ionizers release negatively charged ions which attach themselves to the very small particles passing through the filter. This negative charge allows them to attach to the positively charged filter on the next pass-through. Ionizers can also be effective in reducing odors.
Measuring Air Purifier Performance:

An Air Purifier's performance is determined by filter effectiveness and the air circulation capacity of the Purifier itself. Actual particle reduction in a room situation may vary, depending upon other factors such as the type of pollutant and its rate of introduction, as well as the amount of air processed through the filter. HEPA, one of the most efficient filtration technologies, stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air filtration. It is a "clean room" filtration technology originally designed for use in hospitals, the military and aerospace. HEPA filters are designed to capture even the smallest air small as 0.3 microns!

Air circulation capacity is the amount of air drawn through the filter. This Air Purifier processes the amount of air in an average room (12 x 14 feet) approximately six times per hour. While the filter will not process all of the air in a room, more air passing through the filter will result in more filtered air being returned to the room air.

AHAM Certification Program (CADR rating for the air cleaner Model V9130).
This information is provided to assist consumers in comparing room air cleaners. These values represent performance that can be expected within the first 72 hours of operation. Subsequent performance may vary with use.
This air cleaner is suggested for use in a single closed room up to 192 square feet.
Room size rating conform to the AHAM Certification Program criteria of 80% smoke reduction. Higher Clean Air Delivery rates (CADRs) provide improved performance in all room sizes. Portable air cleaners will be much more effective in rooms where all doors and windows are closed.

Certified Rating
Clean Air Delivery Rate
Dust - 130
Tobacco Smoke - 130
Pollen - 130
AHAM - association of home appliance manufacturers
Manufacturer Certified to Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
ANSI/AHAM AC - 1 - 1988

Vicks 4 Stage Filter Design

Stage 1 - Activated Carbon - Absorbs gases that cause odors:
Smoking Odors
Cooking Odors
Pet Odors
Stage 2 - Particle Pre-Filter - Removed larger particles from the air such as:
Pet Hair
Room Dust
Stage 3 - HEPA Filter - Removes up to 00.97% of airborne particles 0.3 microns in size:
Smoke Particles
Pet Dander
Mold and Mold Spores
Stage 4 - Ionizer - Freshens air and charges smaller particles for easier capture:
Superfine Smoke Particles
Neutralizes Odors

Bedroom - Quiet enough for nighttime use.
Child's Room - Perfect for a child's room.
Living Room - Captures some unpleasant odors and pet dander.
Office - Keep a clean work area and captures dust and smoke particles.
Three Year Warranty - The carbon prefilter and HEPA filter are specifically not covered by this warranty.

Model V9130
by Kaz - Manufacturing Quality Healthcare Products For Over 75 Years.
When I was a young'n, I developed seasonal allergies (which really sucked because I was playing in a soccer league at the time). Mine kinda just went away. Never really did anything for it.

Sorry. Not terribly helpful.

I used to be miserable with allergies...I was tested and found to be allergic to ragweeds, grasses, and deciduous trees...Gosh where in this country can one live with a list like that?

So, I was having an accupunture treatment for sciatic pain and I asked the old man to read my pulses...he told me about my diet (identified what I ate and how I could better balance it) and also told me that I had an overactive immune system and that it was causing allergy symptoms (at the time I wasn't actively sniffling)...

He offered an accupuncture treatment for the allergies...I accepted...and haven't been bothered since.

Originally posted by chufeng
I used to be miserable with allergies...I was tested and found to be allergic to ragweeds, grasses, and deciduous trees...Gosh where in this country can one live with a list like that?

So, I was having an accupunture treatment for sciatic pain and I asked the old man to read my pulses...he told me about my diet (identified what I ate and how I could better balance it) and also told me that I had an overactive immune system and that it was causing allergy symptoms (at the time I wasn't actively sniffling)...

He offered an accupuncture treatment for the allergies...I accepted...and haven't been bothered since.


What does that run, usually?
a) I had acupunture for TMJ pain- ran me $35 a treatment in Boston. It helped the pain a good deal, and was wonderfully relaxing- by the second of the 6 treatments I was sleeping through them! The needles are tiny and do not hurt. Some insurances will pay some for acupunture.

b) We have a hepa filter- my husband bought it and they are really freakin' quiet. It got rid of any smells in our *small* 3 room apartment, complete with cat litter box. I didn't give it any thought until I read this thread, but my own asthma hasn't given my any trouble in a few months, pretty much since we got it!

So, I highly recommend both measures.
I would also recommend against an "Ionic Breeze" from the sharper image. It makes ozone, which can cause or agravate asthma. So stick with a HEPA unit.

Don't forget to vacuum regularly to help with the indoor stuff. The filters are only going to help with indoor problems. If your child is OK indoors, you may not need to bother.

As far as Clararin goes, my girlfriend found Alegra more effective. Zertec is even more effective, but causes serious drowsiness with her.
Allegra works best for me. Never had any side effects with it either.

All allergies are due to little "accidents" in your immune system where you develop antibodies against things like pollen, ragweed, etc. Medication is the only thing I've ever known to work outdoors (besides moving to a new climate), but if you can find a reasonably priced acupuncturist, and your 12 year-old isn't scared of needles, acupuncture is probably worth a shot.
I have seasonal allergies too. I find that the Sudafed 24-hour Non-drowsy tabs work well. I'm not sure if your son is too young for this or not so please read the label if you decide to buy it. Also, saline drops a few times each day help out a great deal as well.

I hope that your son feels better.

Peace & blessings,
Cost for initial treatment (accupuncture) was $40 with two additional visits at $20 each...


It really is not uncomfortable and with the cost savings in antihistamines the treatment pays for itself.
Right now it's principally outdoors--but it hits him fast when he gets outside. Already we have to drive with the windows up (and it's hot here!).
change your air filters in both your car and house.

get a vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter.

there's an herbal decongestant called "Arizona Sun" that I wholeheartedly recommend for stuffy nose. works great, no drowsiness or side effects from my experience.
Coming from a person with these allergies all i can say is do whatever you can, I first developed allergies around age 11, they were at their worst from age 11-14, for a few years there it was hard for me to make school during spring months it got so bad, After a few years i grew out of it a bit. Get a hepa filter, and make sure the air dosent get too dry either, A/C can help filter the air but it can also dry it out, you dont want loads of humidity but you dot want none either. Claritin is beautiful stuff, only allergie med that has never made me drowsy (most of the "non-drowsy" stuff still makes me drowsy) if it gets REALLY serious go to the doctor I have a nasal inhaler i have to use sometimes, squirts stuff directly into my nasal caviites, Now i hate doing this, because it tastes gross, and just generally dosent feel right, but it is the thing that works the best when it gets really bad. Hope that helped.
I totally agree with the suggestions to get the Hepa filter units. I run four of them in my home all the time and it makes a world of difference to my breathing, both indoors and out. But of course, I have serious chemical sensitivities and Environmental Illness as well as allergy to some pollens, so I need all the help I can get. I also seriously react to pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter chemically based drugs so I have had to find safer alternatives. There is a very effective, inexpensive and safe Homeopathic remedy that is available from most Naturopathic doctors and pharmacies here in Canada that works great on seasonal pollen. You can probably get it anywhere. I buy it at the drugstore. It's made by Dosilos and I think it's called Pollen-X or Pollenel or something like that. It comes in a package of 5 little vials. You just put the granules under the tongue once a week for 5 weeks and that's it! I've used it and so have several of my severely pollen-allergic friends, and it is safe to use with children. It worked best for me the years I remembered to take it in early March, prior to the start of pollen season. But since I haven't taken it yet this year, well, it's not too late I hope! :idunno:
talk to your family doctor or an allergist about desloratadine pills (like aerius or clarinex) they helped with my allergies.

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