All you can eat


Purple Belt
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Maryland USA

I normally do OK at all you can eat events but I'd have a difficult time getting my money's worth at this one. Those wacky Wisonsonites!

“After a few beers, you can’t really tell the difference,” Joubert said.

I'm not sure if I should stop drinking or just drink more.
OK while I like nuts, they are the type that come from trees NOT the sweaty type some animal has spent a lifetime trying to keep the flys off of. Makes me want to :barf:.
That's absolutely disgusting!

Wisconsinites have become experts in deep frying food, including cheese curds, candy bars and Twinkies.

Deep fried Twinkies? Ewwww! The other stuff doesn't sound too good either.
Uhhhh...anything that I say about eating nuts would likely send this thread in to After Dark ;)
Deep Friend twinkies sounds like heaven dipped in batter.

My favorite sandwich - the Monte Christo!!! Ham, Turkey, American Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Texas Toast....ALL deep fried, then sprinkled with powdered suger. It is the one food that I have to stop half way through to catch my breath - I think my heart has actually stopped while eating it.
The bar I work at has a Turkey Testicle Festival every year. ack