All about the kicks, what about


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
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How many of you instructor put in joint locks or any ground game in your TKD, if you are old school then you have probaly dabble in it. So do you sport people incorporate it along with sport TKD and the other ones when do you start to put it in your curriculum?
I'm looking into it. Some of the folks that train with my organization are very involved in it. I've yet to start, tho.
I start teaching joint locks pretty quick, depending on the level of maturity of the student. I'll admit my ground training is lacking so I don't teach much of that, but Jeff and I have recently started training in bjj so eventually i'll start incorporating some of that as well.
Welcome to MT Spitfire!

We do a fair amount of joint locks and throws in our hoshinsul training. We are lacking in grappling but I've noticed among several instructor friends that they are dabbling in judo/BJJ.

If you teach joint locks, do you have any reservation about teaching them to children? (Since I asked the question, I'll answer it) I do teach the kids joint locks but know several TKD instructors who do not. My thinking is that I teach them spear hand strikes to the eyes and tiger-mouth strike to the throat, that they had been have the maturity to learn joint locks.

We spend a pretty fair amount of time on joint locks, but not much on ground fighting. This is practiced at a senior level not because junior levels aren't capable, but because their time is better spent working on fundamentals.
Miles said:
If you teach joint locks, do you have any reservation about teaching them to children? (Since I asked the question, I'll answer it) I do teach the kids joint locks but know several TKD instructors who do not. My thinking is that I teach them spear hand strikes to the eyes and tiger-mouth strike to the throat, that they had been have the maturity to learn joint locks.

I wonder if a kid immature enough to break other kid's bones for fun would ever be mature enough to actually bother learning something like that in the first place.
I'm "old school", so yeah- there's arm bars, take downs, etc. Although, we don't have ground work.
terryl965 said:
How many of you instructor put in joint locks or any ground game in your TKD, if you are old school then you have probaly dabble in it. So do you sport people incorporate it along with sport TKD and the other ones when do you start to put it in your curriculum?

Grappling and ground game is a very big part of the TKD class I'm in. Takedowns and submissions are even part of the promotion testing. Often our free sparring includes takedowns and working for position. I think I've heard a more traditional TKD person call it Veedokwan or something like that. I thought Veedokwan was a character from Star Wars.
in my tae kwon do class we don't usually do joint locks or ground fighting. thats one of the reasons I started to take another class to learn ground fighting and joint locks

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