Al-Qaeda Used Basic Codes, Calling Cards, Hotmail

Bob Hubbard

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Al-Qaeda Used Basic Codes, Calling Cards, Hotmail on Saturday May 02, @09:17AM

Posted by Soulskill on Saturday May 02, @09:17AM
from the if-only-the-nsa-watched-the-wire dept.
jd writes "In startling revelations, convicted terrorist Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri admitted that Al Qaeda used public telephones, pre-paid calling cards, search engines and Hotmail. al-Marri 'used a "10-code" to protect the [phone] numbers — subtracting the actual digits in the phone numbers from 10 to arrive at a coded number.' The real story behind all this is that the terrorists weren't using sophisticated methods to avoid detection or monitoring — which tells us just how crappy SIGINT really is right now. If the NSA needs to wiretap the whole of the US because they can't break into a Hotmail account, you know they've got problems. FindLaw has a copy of al-Marri's plea agreement (the tech-related information begins on page 12), and the LATimes has further details on his case."
Wait, I thought they were using scrambled communications, 1024bit encryption and PGP, like they government said when they wrote those "give us your encryption key" laws, you know, because they said that was why.

So, if the bad guys are using Captain Crunch decoder rings......something smells bad here.
So, I don't need an Arabic to English dictionary for this (secret communication intercepted in Afghanistan)?

"atchoutway orfay the oldierssay, ey'rethay omingcay over the illshay ownay! unray!"

If the "terrorists" were using communication methods that everybody uses, golly gee we really need to monitor all of that stuff.

"Please, Mr. Agent, take my rights, listen to my phone calls, monitor my emails, analyze my thoughts, please do ANYTHING to keep me safe from the evil freedom hating terrorists."

Wait, you mean that Our Leader, the Commander Guy, the Decider lied to us?

Say it ain't so, Joe!
As the old joke goes

How do you know a politician is lying?

HeÂ’s talking -or- his mouth is open (I have heard both answers)

Terrorist organizations tend not to be highly technical but terrorist cells tend to be rather hard to find due to their organizational structure.

However they did have the frequency of Air Force 1 during 9/11 which was rather shocking.

Does any of this justify the surveillance that was implementedÂ…. doubtful