Air America pledge drive?


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Dec 19, 2004
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Funds of a Bronx Youth Group Allegedly Lent to Air America

BY DAVID LOMBINO - Special to the Sun
August 1, 2005

I had been wondering what was keeping Air America afloat. I knew it wasn't Al Franken's sense of humor(?). Say what you will about Rush Limbaugh, at least he doesn't have to steal money from childrens' charities to keep the lights turned on and he was paying for the Oxycotin out of his own pocket.

Hey, at least they decided to pay the "loan" back.

Go Air America.
whats this i see...? i thought corruption and deceit only existed on the right...? :rolleyes:

too funny :)

way to go air america! couldn't keep things going based on radio BS so you had to take from a youth charity. that's just so "LEFT"... :2xBird2:
There was a documentary about Air America radio last March on its one year anniversary, and this was discussed. The first owner was involved in some shady financial dealings. Their legal representative quit over this; he was disgusted that he'd stuck his neck out after the owner made assurances about the finances that turned out not to be true. The owner quit or was thrown out or something.

And I really wish you wouldn't turn this into a "left-right" thing. At least this was brought up in Air America's own documentary. I'm still waiting for Halliburton to come clean.