AI and the Squeeky Wheel Hypothesis


3rd Black Belt
I saw a blurbee on the news saying that the Amundson-Scott station at the South pole was the coldest place on earth today so I went to send David P. Clements ( an old freind that once ran the station) a message. When I looked up his e-mail addy I ran across this Squeeky Wheel thing and AI with what appears to be his name attached. (and a whole pile of other oddness dealing with recoiless rifles, mistriss Divina, streach limo's and unexplained deaths in the Antartic.)

So is the David P. Clements attached to AI the one who was working for Goddard, moved to Passadena to work for the Jet Prop Lab? Does anyone know? This makes sense as this is where silicone valley was/is and where the other psycho AI genius I know still lives. I see David is no longer available to be contacted by the general public, kind of like Jay D. I guess that is the price of a not so private life.


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