After School Martial Arts


Senior Master
Hey all, question..

How many of you train at an academy that has an after school program for elementary kids?

If you do, how does that affect your own training?
We don't have it, but it has become a consideration. From a monetary standpoint it is very lucrative for a school. And when you are paying the bills it does not hurt to have a few dead Prez's in the bank.
i actually run an after school program at my school and it has definately helped me to keep the lights on.
it can be a very lucrative program and the trickle effdect it causes helps too. a good chunk of my evening adult classes are parents of my after school kids. it really has no bearing on my evening classes as the after school program ends at 5:30 and the evening classes start at 5:30, so other than a really busy parking lot for about 15 minutes, i would say it has no negative effects.
Saw one awhile ago in NC..They were doing great...The kids were long gone before the adults showed up for class...
I think it is a great Idear. for one it helps out parents who can't get home right away. second it helps bring in extra cash to keep your school opened. and most of the time all kids are gone before the older students come in. to me its win win for everyone. plus the kids have a great time and it keeps them safe. thats what really counts.
I think it is a great Idear. for one it helps out parents who can't get home right away. second it helps bring in extra cash to keep your school opened. and most of the time all kids are gone before the older students come in. to me its win win for everyone. plus the kids have a great time and it keeps them safe. thats what really counts.

Your are right Steve..The Sensei I spoke to picks them up at school and transports them to the dojo..They have a light snack and then train..
thanks for the input.

our school runs a transported after shool program. we have a lot of success and fun with it, and boy does it help the bottom line.

i sometimes worry that it interferes with my adult program. even though none of the adults complain, you can't always believe everything positive a student tells you -- they want so much to support us....

thanks again.