Affliction:Trilogy Cancelled


Master Black Belt
Well due to lack of a main event Affliction cancelled their Aug 1st PPV. If you hear something right now it is the laughter of Dana White as he watches and laughs and waits for fighters to come looking for work.

I didn't see this coming and felt they had a halfway good opponent in Belfort for Fedor. This will ultimately be the end of Affliction since word on the street was that they needed this PPV to stay afloat.

Sad that they refused to try and put on a show despite the star power Barnett had before he tested positive. Yeah Barnett can't fight but the draw is Fedor really since he rarely fights so Belfort would have worked fine or someone else.

I guess Dana is fast becoming the Vince McMahon of MMA. Bad for the business, bad for the sport, bad for the fighters, and bad for the fans.
Can't even blame this one on Dana.

Affliction's lack of balls to put in another fighter cause they don't think it will draw enough fans. I believe whoever they put in there would have been fine since many don't believe Fedor would get beat but would tune in just in case the unthinkable happened.

Affliction just failed at basic business 101. Don't spend more than you bring in.
I hope that a good deal of the fighters go over to Strikeforce. With their contract with Showtime and their better respect and treatment of the fighters than the UFC, this may turn out to be a boost for Scott's org.
07-24-2009 05:47 PM: Affliction Trilogy has been been canceled.

MMA Ring Report
The hardest hitting news from the hardest hitting sport.
Not a huge fan of MMA, but looking at it, if it is going to take its place as a professional sport, then look at the rest of the sporting world.

Basketball - NBA
Baseball - MLB
Hockey - NHL
Football - NFL

Major sport = single premier league.

Is UFC then the major league of MMA? Pride was really the hold out, wasn't it?
This is probably the end of affliction. It has to be very hard on the fighters who have prepared and sacrificed for this fight over the last few months. No payday. What a shame.
07-24-2009 05:47 PM:Hot on the heels of the news that Josh Barnett wouldnot get licensed by the California State Athletic Commission due to apositive test for a banned substance, the entire event has beencanceled altogether.

MMA Ring Report
The hardest hitting news from the hardest hitting sport.
Not a huge fan of MMA, but looking at it, if it is going to take its place as a professional sport, then look at the rest of the sporting world.

Basketball - NBA
Baseball - MLB
Hockey - NHL
Football - NFL

Major sport = single premier league.

Is UFC then the major league of MMA? Pride was really the hold out, wasn't it?

That is the perception of most US fans. Fans in other countries are alot more aware of the different promotions.

This is the second time Barnett has tested positive for steriods. He lost his UFC title when he was champ for steriods. Affliction took a gamble on him and lost.

When UFC bought out Pride it was thought that ALL of the talent would go to the UFC, but lower purses than some other promotions have prevented some good talent from signing. But, that is the Catch-22, other promotions have tried to pay more, but then have failed because they only had one or two big name draws and couldn't support themselves. Whereas the UFC has lots of sponsorships and free TV exposure that the others don't keep getting in draws.
That is the perception of most US fans. Fans in other countries are alot more aware of the different promotions.

This is the second time Barnett has tested positive for steriods. He lost his UFC title when he was champ for steriods. Affliction took a gamble on him and lost.

When UFC bought out Pride it was thought that ALL of the talent would go to the UFC, but lower purses than some other promotions have prevented some good talent from signing. But, that is the Catch-22, other promotions have tried to pay more, but then have failed because they only had one or two big name draws and couldn't support themselves. Whereas the UFC has lots of sponsorships and free TV exposure that the others don't keep getting in draws.

Yeah - there are a lot of smaller promotions around and I am surprised with the lower purses at times with the bigger UFC. It is a business, and a very lucrative one for at least one guy . . .
I won't blame Dana for other promotions failures.
If those guys can't operate a business corectly that isn't his fault.

Dana is a damn good business man and has proved it. Certainly I don't agree with everything he does but I will say that he needs to be in someone's business college giving a lecture for sure. Too many promotions try to take on the UFC head to head which isn't a smart move. Affliction had some great cards but they paid guys way too much money.

If I were in his shoes I would operate the same way.
Dana White has for sure marketed MMA to where it is today whether you like him or not. Dana White is the man responsible for making MMA in America where it is today.

I was reading an article on him and the first season of the "Ultimate Fighter" was all filmed and paid for BY HIM (and his company) and then he went around and tried to sell the show to a TV station. It just so happened that Spike TV had an opening after the WWE left for another station and they bought the show to fill the spot.

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