advice on getting back into shape

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Ok here's the deal...I'm 28, 6'2" 235lbs, I'm a 2nd dan, but I've been out of practice for a long time. I'm trying to get back into shape to possibly test for 3rd Dan before the end of the year.
Anyone have any input as to what I could do to restore stamina and flexibility in a reasonable amount of time?

thanks :)
Ok, feel free to disregard this advice from a lowly 1st dan. I don't know exactly what you consider a long time, but if you've been out of training for 6 months or more, I don't think you should bother worrying about testing for 3rd dan anytime soon. Attaining your previous level of ability should be your main concern.

For stamina, I recommend doing something aerobic a few times a week like like long distance running (or at least light jogging). Biking is good too. You can also try weighting yourself when you train, but be careful doing this (there's a thread on this in the Karate section I think).

For flexibility, just stretching a whole lot is the best way I know. But I don't think improved flexibility is something you can rush.

This goes without saying but I'll say it anyways: don't push yourself too far too fast. Getting hurt will only delay your improvement longer.

Good luck.
I am only a fourth gup, but I have improved my stamina with running 5 miles four times per week and 10- 100 yd hill sprints twice per week. I should say that I am 6'2" and 215 pounds and this is working for this big man. I would suggest not running more than 5 miles at any time, just decrease your time to cover the distance. my goal is 5 miles in under 30 minutes. If you run more distance, I don't know exactly how far, your body will use up avalable energy and start drawing fuel from muscles tissue. This isn't good for MA's. The Hills sprints will give you explosive leg power and stamina. I was able to cut 3 mins off my 5 mile time in 2 weeks.

Mountain Sage
Thanks for the input guys!

MountainSage- 5 miles makes me tired just thinking about it right now! :)

Zepp- thanks man, I'm sure your 'lowly 1st dan' could probably wh00p up on my 2nd dan right now.

To give you a little insight into my situation, I got my 2nd dan in November 1994, I passed on my 3rd dan testing in 1997 because I was starting to lose interest, and I didn't remotely care about another stripe on my belt. At some point in '98 I just lost interest and stopped going.
in 2001 I started to workout again on my own, and with a friend who studies Wing Chun, and a year ago I started going back to class again, but the drive is 45 minutes so I don't make it out there on a regular basis.
I've started regaining technique and general ability, but I spent most of my time winded and huffing for air.
I'm guessing at this point I should concentrate on running and/or bike riding.

thanks again.

I am a firm believer that you should get tired during class. Try to participate in as many as you can and give it your all while there. Not only will you relearn faster but endurance and strength will follow. I just hate to waist time learning to do pushups, situps, etc during my class time! I do that stuff at home. Remember to stretch before and after class.
Five miles isn't as bad as you might think. You can get there fairly quickly with commitment and proper running form. Remember the term "run" means different things to different people. My wife says I don't run I lope real fast.

Mountian Sage
get into kettlebell training. I use it for all my combatives students and their strength flexibility cardio and explosiveness all go through the roof. Far better than just cardio and far superior to any kind of weight training and I have trained in jsut about every weight training style there is in the 25 + years of lifting before I found kettelbells and war clubs.

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