Advice for the newbs


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
Hi everybody! :wavey: I thought that I would offer a little advice, to help you adjust to your new environment. These are a few things that I have learned since joining Martial Talk.

Just about everybody here is a nice person. Not everybody here is a perfect writer. It's extremely difficult to really "get" the emotional feeling behind a post through this medium, so take things with a grain of salt. You can't see facial expression, (although the smileys do help) and generally, if you give people the benefit of the doubt, you'll find that things run a bit smoother, and friendlier.

I personally would advise you to spend some time reading through some of the old threads. Many topics have been done, some to death, and you just might learn something there.

There are people here with a wide variety of Martial Arts experience, ranging from never even tried all the way up to very Senior Masters. They are all just people, but each will have a different take on various issues. Every poster is valued here, and all opinions welcome, provided its done in a respectable way.

Read through the forum rules, and all of the help and support threads. Know the rules, and you won't break them. If you have questions, ask.

Be prepared to become obsessed with the community that is Martial Talk.

See you around the board!
flatlander, you've been pinned! Are you and Kaith going steady now?


Feisty Mouse said:
flatlander, you've been pinned! Are you and Kaith going steady now?
For all you Curious Georges out there, no, Kaith and I have decided to keep things platonic. The whole conflict of interest thing, long distance relationship issues, and, oh yeah, not gay, etc.

Feisty Mouse said:
flatlander, you've been pinned! Are you and Kaith going steady now?
WAHHH..I wanted to say it..
Thank you for all your support. I hope to gain alot of wisdom and fun in the proscess. It took me a week to figure out how to log in!

Bob Quinn
I'm Henry. I'm just here to see if anyone wants to study fu jow pai or if anyone has any questions.:)
Great thread! Thank you very much. I am a regular to several online forums, but I have found that it is very helpful to have a thread like this.
Hello, All.

A newbee... I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Found this site by accident but have been reading through the topics and getting accquainted with some of the oldies.
Pretty interesting people in here I see as well as pretty interesting topics.