Master of Arts
While the future hasn't arrived yet, but it is advancing quickly towards us.
While my dream of utilizing AI and deep learning to harvest unknown or lost bunkai from the forms or kata of Okinawan karate may be a ways off...
yet progress in the seperate & remotely related field of robotics continues to make impressive strides.
Two related videos on this follow.
In the first video I could see it doing a spinning back kick (see the 17 second mark) easily, in the next 5-10 years. Sooner, perhps if more money were endowed to higher development focused on the issue.
I predict that if the wealthy elite decided they wanted robotic personal defense or robo-body guards that it would happen in short order.
But my personal desire would be for sparring partners that could take a lot of abuse, and have parts that would be relatively easy to replace... so you could go all out, break arms or vertebrae without hurting humans.
and eventually an AI capable of recognizing and calibrating levels of attack intensity, and slowly helping someone fight better over time.
Molded rubber foam "fists" with accelerometers and impact sensors to help it fight safely. and feet etc.
perhaps in 50 or 60 years MMA fighting shows will have people in the cage that have been hard sparring with robot partners.... prepping for their next match.
While my dream of utilizing AI and deep learning to harvest unknown or lost bunkai from the forms or kata of Okinawan karate may be a ways off...
yet progress in the seperate & remotely related field of robotics continues to make impressive strides.
Two related videos on this follow.
In the first video I could see it doing a spinning back kick (see the 17 second mark) easily, in the next 5-10 years. Sooner, perhps if more money were endowed to higher development focused on the issue.
I predict that if the wealthy elite decided they wanted robotic personal defense or robo-body guards that it would happen in short order.
But my personal desire would be for sparring partners that could take a lot of abuse, and have parts that would be relatively easy to replace... so you could go all out, break arms or vertebrae without hurting humans.
and eventually an AI capable of recognizing and calibrating levels of attack intensity, and slowly helping someone fight better over time.
Molded rubber foam "fists" with accelerometers and impact sensors to help it fight safely. and feet etc.
perhaps in 50 or 60 years MMA fighting shows will have people in the cage that have been hard sparring with robot partners.... prepping for their next match.
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