Advancing robotics and the coming use in MA


Master of Arts
While the future hasn't arrived yet, but it is advancing quickly towards us.

While my dream of utilizing AI and deep learning to harvest unknown or lost bunkai from the forms or kata of Okinawan karate may be a ways off...

yet progress in the seperate & remotely related field of robotics continues to make impressive strides.

Two related videos on this follow.


In the first video I could see it doing a spinning back kick (see the 17 second mark) easily, in the next 5-10 years. Sooner, perhps if more money were endowed to higher development focused on the issue.

I predict that if the wealthy elite decided they wanted robotic personal defense or robo-body guards that it would happen in short order.

But my personal desire would be for sparring partners that could take a lot of abuse, and have parts that would be relatively easy to replace... so you could go all out, break arms or vertebrae without hurting humans.

and eventually an AI capable of recognizing and calibrating levels of attack intensity, and slowly helping someone fight better over time.

Molded rubber foam "fists" with accelerometers and impact sensors to help it fight safely. and feet etc.

perhaps in 50 or 60 years MMA fighting shows will have people in the cage that have been hard sparring with robot partners.... prepping for their next match.
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While the future hasn't arrived yet, but it is advancing quickly towards us.

While my dream of utilizing AI and deep learning to harvest unknown or lost bunkai from the forms or kata of Okinawan karate may be a ways off... progress in the seperate & remotely related field of robotics continues to make impressive strides.

Two related videos on this follow.


In the first video I could see it doing a spinning back kick (see the 17 second mark) easily, in the next 5-10 years. Sooner, perhps if more money were endowed to higher development focused on the issue.

I predict that if the wealthy elite decided they wanted robotic personal defense or robo-body guards that it would happen in short order.

But my personal desire would be for sparring partners that could take a lot of abuse, and have parts that would be relatively easy to replace... so you could go all out, break arms or vertebrae without hurting humans.

and eventually an AI capable of recognizing and calibrating levels of attack intensity, and slowly helping someone fight better over time.

Molded rubber foam "fists" with accelerometers and impact sensors to help it fight safely. and feet etc.

perhaps in 50 or 60 years MMA fighting shows will have people in the cage that have been hard sparring with robot partners.... prepping for their next match.
Quickly followed by a whole new set of excuses for why their art is too deadly for robots.
This is a repost of something JowGaWolf said on another thread, but i am putting it here to draw his attention.
If people can't figure a martial arts application then there is no way Ai would figure it out. Ai can't even drive down the street without killing people. You know who else can't do it? Humans.

There is more to applying techniques finding how many attacks are possible. Ask people wow try to get robots to walk and run. They'll tell you the she thing. There's a lot more to walking than what we realiaze.

I think theres a lot more challenges than merely walking down the street without killing a human by a robot here.
Chances are the robots would replace the actual fighters

They may also replace a lot of our jobs. That's even including lower level code writers and programmers. Ai and advanced robotics will allow a very few to do a whole lot. We will see huge increases in productivity, but I don't think that it will make for a happy life of leisure for all of us with less to do. I'm guessing we'll have a lot more poor and homeless. Kinda like a futuristic version of Dickensian London. Nice enough for the well off, Guv'nah.

Forget the forward march of human progress. Those of us still around in a few decades will be able to look back on the late 20th Century as that quaint, prosperous period when humanity believed in such fairy tales. ;)
This is a repost of something JowGaWolf said on another thread, but i am putting it here to draw his attention.

I think theres a lot more challenges than merely walking down the street without killing a human by a robot here.
First off Boston Dynamics is Awesome.

Let see. What do I do when I walk down the street on an average day

1. Scan the environment almost constantly for things that aren't "flowing naturally." By "flowing naturally" I mean things that move differently than what I see on a normal day. Say a car appearing as if it's drifting.
  • Cars, People, Animals, Clouds, Bikes, Motor Cycles,
2. Scan the environment for visual cues of danger, sidewalks that end, hanging branches if I'm walking near areas with trees and bushes, bridges, spider webs, glass, the curb (mainly me not staying on it). Cars Trucks, debris on the road, puddle if it's raining, mud if it's raining, ice if it's snowing, snow. Sun if it's freaking hot, roads with hills and curbs, holes in the ground if I'm walking on the shoulder of the road in the grass. Alley ways, fences that may have dogs, fences that have dogs, animals again. Red lights, green lights, break lights, cars slowing down or cars stopping next to me. A group of cops with lights on, or emergency vehicles with lights on.

3. Scan the environment for audio cues. Alert sounds, Brakes from a car suddenly stopping (heard that while gardening today and I waited for the sound of a crash but didn't hear it). Sounds of people walking behind me. Sounds of people yelling watch out, stop, run, look behind you or any other phrase that someone may use to alert me. Car or Truck horns.

4. Then you have the whole balancing act of one foot in front of the other, walking fast, standing, walking slow, running across the street, quick stops, small leaps, like getting on the curb, leaping over a puddle etc. Walking tired (which really sucks).

5. Calculate distance, speed, movement, analyzing possible paths of movements

6. Other things that I want to avoid, like dead animal on the sidewalk or grass, ant mound, poop on ground, Banana peels lol.

I'm pretty sure there's more that I've missed, but that's all that came to mind off the top of my head without really thinking. Some were general such as People. That an entirely separate analysis on it's own.

Pick any activity, no matter how big or small, and there's a good chance the brain is Calculating hundreds of things within split seconds.
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Yep. One day. After seeing the slam. I'm thinking that having a 600 pound mechanical sparring partner can't be good.
Came across this while laughing at the other stuff.

Based on this video. the software takes real animal movement, adds some physics, and then replicates that movement.. Someone should sent them an email to see if it works with martial arts.
First off Boston Dynamics is Awesome.

Let see. What do I do when I walk down the street on an average day

1. Scan the environment almost constantly for things that aren't "flowing naturally." By "flowing naturally" I mean things that move differently than what I see on a normal day. Say a car appearing as if it's drifting.
  • Cars, People, Animals, Clouds, Bikes, Motor Cycles,
2. Scan the environment for visual cues of danger, sidewalks that end, hanging branches if I'm walking near areas with trees and bushes, bridges, spider webs, glass, the curb (mainly me not staying on it). Cars Trucks, debris on the road, puddle if it's raining, mud if it's raining, ice if it's snowing, snow. Sun if it's freaking hot, roads with hills and curbs, holes in the ground if I'm walking on the shoulder of the road in the grass. Alley ways, fences that may have dogs, fences that have dogs, animals again. Red lights, green lights, break lights, cars slowing down or cars stopping next to me. A group of cops with lights on, or emergency vehicles with lights on.

3. Scan the environment for audio cues. Alert sounds, Brakes from a car suddenly stopping (heard that while gardening today and I waited for the sound of a crash but didn't hear it). Sounds of people walking behind me. Sounds of people yelling watch out, stop, run, look behind you or any other phrase that someone may use to alert me. Car or Truck horns.

4. Then you have the whole balancing act of one foot in front of the other, walking fast, standing, walking slow, running across the street, quick stops, small leaps, like getting on the curb, leaping over a puddle etc. Walking tired (which really sucks).

5. Calculate distance, speed, movement, analyzing possible paths of movements

6. Other things that I want to avoid, like dead animal on the sidewalk or grass, ant mound, poop on ground, Banana peels lol.

I'm pretty sure there's more that I've missed, but that's all that came to mind off the top of my head without really thinking. Some were general such as People. That an entirely separate analysis on it's own.

Pick any activity, no matter how big or small, and there's a good chance the brain is Calculating hundreds of things within split seconds.
that's not how the brain works, it works off patern recognition, once you've learnt a route, that route is automated, if and it's a big if it notices things its things that wernt there yesterday, lift a drain cover and people new to the area will notice it, people who walk that way every day are much more at risk of failing to notice and falling down it.just as people are much more at risk of crashing cars close to home when they are on autopilot as the roads are memorised , just as people will continue to cross the road to avoid an obstruction that's no ,longer there. once a pattern is established its extraordinary difficult to change it
Unless you can practice groin strikes on them, i fail to see their use. :P
that's not how the brain works, it works off patern recognition, once you've learnt a route, that route is automated, if and it's a big if it notices things its things that wernt there yesterday, lift a drain cover and people new to the area will notice it, people who walk that way every day are much more at risk of failing to notice and falling down it.just as people are much more at risk of crashing cars close to home when they are on autopilot as the roads are memorised , just as people will continue to cross the road to avoid an obstruction that's no ,longer there. once a pattern is established its extraordinary difficult to change it
My brain doesn't work like that. I tend to notice things out of place. If I'm used to seeing an environment one way and then something changes then I tend to notice it. Here's a perfect example. Where I lived the street signs change from not having a county logo to having a county logo. I picked that up even tough I don't use street signs to navigate much. It went from a sign that had green letters to one that was green with a colorful county logo.

Humans and animals wouldn't be able to survive long if they were unable to recognize changes in the environment that they live in. The brain uses pattern recognition but not for everything. As far as your man hole statement, that isn't true. People are more likely fall down an uncovered man hole because they aren't paying attention to their environment or because they are focused and locked in on something else in their environment.


Good example of a child being aware of the change but not the danger.

Man on phone

Here's an example of how the brain recognizes changes in the environment. No hole, but because this guys behavior suggest that their is one, the driver's brain picks up on that change . Which is amazing because their brain didn't see a hole upon stopping. When the person in the car sees someone jump over what appears to be something in the road, the brain believes that the environment has been changed. If it was pattern recognition of the road then the person would have followed that pattern.

The brain is picking up that the change of the person walking across the street is due to a change in environment. You can even see how some people know there isn't a hole there but will still check.

Same thing again

I drive down a road where I know for a fact that there is a pot hole. Sometimes I avoid it ahead of time. Other times I hit it. When I hit the pot hole, it is usually because my focus is somewhere else other than scanning the environment for changes. I'm distracted, either by thought or something going on in the lane over.

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