I was reading through some threads which caused me to think a bit about this subject.
How do you guys feel about the idea behind apologizing? How about admitting fault?
I guess I feel that the true "bad-a$$es," "experts," or "masters" have no trouble apoligizing, even when they are not in the wrong. They have no problems admitting fault when they may have been mistaken. The ability to apoligize and admit fault shows humilty. This is the kind of humility that is a requirement if you consider yourself a self-defense teacher, or expert.
The why is pretty simple, but I'll explain it anyhow for some who might not get the concept right away. Basically the old sayings, "Walk softly but carry a big stick," and "an armed society is a polite society," apply here. I'll use myself as an example. I've been in the martial arts for almost 20 years. I have far exceeded what a prosecuting attorney would consider "a martial arts expert" if I were a defendent in a courtroom. Now, also consider that I am armed daily. This ups the anty even more for me. So, can I choose to not be polite? Can I choose to be a jerk to people around me? Can I choose to get into conflicts and fights? If I choose to be a jerk and it gets me into a physical confrontation, I will be prosecuted, and if I hurt someone I will go to jail. Period.
So, what do I do when someone talks smack with me, or trys to pick a fight with me? "I must have made the mistake sir. I apologize sir for anything I may have done in offense." My ego does not stand in my way. I am confident that if I am attacked I will handle it accordingly. Others around me, even those who don't know me, generally can see my confidence and know that I can handle myself if the s**t hits the fan. So, I don't need to PROVE a thing. I will backdown, I will apoligize, I will try to find where I could improve myself and admit fault where nessicary. This is what I need for prudent self-defense...this is what I need to stay out of jail.
Most will probably agree with me on this so far. Yet, I often watch people's behavior on these forums, and I am amazed. I watch people who tote themselves around like self-defense, martial arts, or "tactical" experts, pretending to have all the answers, yet who can't themselves admit fault in an arguement, or apoligize when they have offended someone else. Hell, some can't even let simple arguements go. I contest that if these people have such fragile ego's that they can't show this kind of humilty on a forum, then they are not credable self-defense instructors or even practitioners. They are, simply, a bunch of weenies.
Now, I know that some will argue, "but not backing down from an arguement on the internet where there is not iminent danger is not the same as backing down on the street. I may not back down on the net, but on the street I would do the right and lawfully prudent thing." I was going to let some weenie pose this arguement before I said anything, but I better address this now. I don't want to be in the position of insulting anyone after they have hung themselves with a similar statement. Basically, that arguement only exposes how big of a weenie the arguer really is.
There is something that I'll call "the masters humility" vs. "the weenie's humility." [yes, this is similar to beggers humilty vs. warriors humility from Castenada, but not exactly the same] A master is not concerned about his own ego. He knows who he can beat and who he can't, and he knows he is an expert. He knows where he stands, what he knows, and what he doesn't. So, being humble is second nature to the master. Whether it is on an internet forum, or on the street, the master has no problems saying "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" or "I am at fault here." Why? The master's motivations are not fear based, and the master has a humilty that comes very natural too him. The weenie, on the other hand, is only humble when he is afraid. On an internet forum he yells and argues consistantly with no regards for anyone else or their opinions. He will never apoligize because he is afraid of admitting that someone else has a good point, or may be right. The weenie is afraid that he will lose face. However, in on the street and in the face of a real conflict where he can be hurt or thrown in jail, then its, "I'm sorry. Your right I am wrong. I don't want to fight you." Whine whine whine. The weenie is afraid of losing face, but is often even more afraid of having his @$$ handed to him on in a fight, or going to prison or jail. The weenie's humilty, and actions are controlled by fear.
Weenies are the kind of guys who lie about their martial arts experience to look tough. Weenies are the kind of guys who join the military for the GI bill and push paper in an office, but then tell tall tales about their training and experiences as a soldier. Weenies are the kind of guys who hide behind their sheilds or their authority instead of just doing their jobs and giving back to the community. Weenies are the guys who constantly look for drama and conflict in their lives, because with out it they don't feel that they are getting the attention they crave. However, despite these details, weenies are the easiest to spot on the forums, because they are constantly trying to sound like experts, with ego's so fragile that they could never admit fault and could never apologize, even when they should.
So, what kind of person are you? I have seen people with 2 months of training with a masters humilty, and others with 20 years who act like weenies.
What are your thoughts on the subject? I will be watching for them, as I have much to learn.
Are you striving to be a master...or are you just another weenie?
Paul Janulis, MOD.
P.S. I apologize if my post here offends anyone. Thanks you for your understanding.
How do you guys feel about the idea behind apologizing? How about admitting fault?
I guess I feel that the true "bad-a$$es," "experts," or "masters" have no trouble apoligizing, even when they are not in the wrong. They have no problems admitting fault when they may have been mistaken. The ability to apoligize and admit fault shows humilty. This is the kind of humility that is a requirement if you consider yourself a self-defense teacher, or expert.
The why is pretty simple, but I'll explain it anyhow for some who might not get the concept right away. Basically the old sayings, "Walk softly but carry a big stick," and "an armed society is a polite society," apply here. I'll use myself as an example. I've been in the martial arts for almost 20 years. I have far exceeded what a prosecuting attorney would consider "a martial arts expert" if I were a defendent in a courtroom. Now, also consider that I am armed daily. This ups the anty even more for me. So, can I choose to not be polite? Can I choose to be a jerk to people around me? Can I choose to get into conflicts and fights? If I choose to be a jerk and it gets me into a physical confrontation, I will be prosecuted, and if I hurt someone I will go to jail. Period.
So, what do I do when someone talks smack with me, or trys to pick a fight with me? "I must have made the mistake sir. I apologize sir for anything I may have done in offense." My ego does not stand in my way. I am confident that if I am attacked I will handle it accordingly. Others around me, even those who don't know me, generally can see my confidence and know that I can handle myself if the s**t hits the fan. So, I don't need to PROVE a thing. I will backdown, I will apoligize, I will try to find where I could improve myself and admit fault where nessicary. This is what I need for prudent self-defense...this is what I need to stay out of jail.
Most will probably agree with me on this so far. Yet, I often watch people's behavior on these forums, and I am amazed. I watch people who tote themselves around like self-defense, martial arts, or "tactical" experts, pretending to have all the answers, yet who can't themselves admit fault in an arguement, or apoligize when they have offended someone else. Hell, some can't even let simple arguements go. I contest that if these people have such fragile ego's that they can't show this kind of humilty on a forum, then they are not credable self-defense instructors or even practitioners. They are, simply, a bunch of weenies.
Now, I know that some will argue, "but not backing down from an arguement on the internet where there is not iminent danger is not the same as backing down on the street. I may not back down on the net, but on the street I would do the right and lawfully prudent thing." I was going to let some weenie pose this arguement before I said anything, but I better address this now. I don't want to be in the position of insulting anyone after they have hung themselves with a similar statement. Basically, that arguement only exposes how big of a weenie the arguer really is.
There is something that I'll call "the masters humility" vs. "the weenie's humility." [yes, this is similar to beggers humilty vs. warriors humility from Castenada, but not exactly the same] A master is not concerned about his own ego. He knows who he can beat and who he can't, and he knows he is an expert. He knows where he stands, what he knows, and what he doesn't. So, being humble is second nature to the master. Whether it is on an internet forum, or on the street, the master has no problems saying "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" or "I am at fault here." Why? The master's motivations are not fear based, and the master has a humilty that comes very natural too him. The weenie, on the other hand, is only humble when he is afraid. On an internet forum he yells and argues consistantly with no regards for anyone else or their opinions. He will never apoligize because he is afraid of admitting that someone else has a good point, or may be right. The weenie is afraid that he will lose face. However, in on the street and in the face of a real conflict where he can be hurt or thrown in jail, then its, "I'm sorry. Your right I am wrong. I don't want to fight you." Whine whine whine. The weenie is afraid of losing face, but is often even more afraid of having his @$$ handed to him on in a fight, or going to prison or jail. The weenie's humilty, and actions are controlled by fear.
Weenies are the kind of guys who lie about their martial arts experience to look tough. Weenies are the kind of guys who join the military for the GI bill and push paper in an office, but then tell tall tales about their training and experiences as a soldier. Weenies are the kind of guys who hide behind their sheilds or their authority instead of just doing their jobs and giving back to the community. Weenies are the guys who constantly look for drama and conflict in their lives, because with out it they don't feel that they are getting the attention they crave. However, despite these details, weenies are the easiest to spot on the forums, because they are constantly trying to sound like experts, with ego's so fragile that they could never admit fault and could never apologize, even when they should.
So, what kind of person are you? I have seen people with 2 months of training with a masters humilty, and others with 20 years who act like weenies.
What are your thoughts on the subject? I will be watching for them, as I have much to learn.
Are you striving to be a master...or are you just another weenie?
Paul Janulis, MOD.
P.S. I apologize if my post here offends anyone. Thanks you for your understanding.