So you may recall, earlier in the Year I brought home a cute cuddly ball of Fur Named Firewall...
Well, Firewall now has a new friend... Jetboatdeath is now the proud father of a new Baby girl, and on his wife's demand he had to give up his 2 year old White German Shepherd, Casey... so I decided to take her in, since Firewall tends to get lonely when I am not home... which lately has been more and more...
Here are the two Mutts now: Firewall is the Brown one on the top of the pile, and casey is the white one on the bottom...
Well, Firewall now has a new friend... Jetboatdeath is now the proud father of a new Baby girl, and on his wife's demand he had to give up his 2 year old White German Shepherd, Casey... so I decided to take her in, since Firewall tends to get lonely when I am not home... which lately has been more and more...
Here are the two Mutts now: Firewall is the Brown one on the top of the pile, and casey is the white one on the bottom...