Abu Dhabi Hotel Regrets Christmas Tree Overload


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
– Sun Dec 19, 8:41 am ET ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – An Abu Dhabi luxury hotel that boasted an $11 million Christmas tree decorated with gold and gems admitted Sunday it may have taken the holiday spirit a bit too far.
A statement from the Emirates Palace hotel said it regretted "attempts to overload" the Christmas tree tradition by adorning it with premium bling including gold, rubies, diamonds and other precious stones from a hotel jeweler.


Umm... wait a minnit, hold the phone...
Just WHAT on earth are Arabs doing celebrating or even making note of CHRISTmas??
Christmas is a Christian holiday isn't it?
So what are these Arabs (read: traditionally of the Muslim faith) doing celebrating it? Is something not right here or am I reading too much into it?
pft, I don't care. I take a couple trees off their hands. I hate decorating the tree...

(actually, you are mistaken, Christmas is all about the bling and the $$ :D)
Umm... wait a minnit, hold the phone...
Just WHAT on earth are Arabs doing celebrating or even making note of CHRISTmas??
Christmas is a Christian holiday isn't it?
So what are these Arabs (read: traditionally of the Muslim faith) doing celebrating it? Is something not right here or am I reading too much into it?

I'm an atheist, does that mean I have to stop exchanging gifts with my family and friends (some of whom are christian, some muslim, some pagan, some atheist...)?
I'm afraid my war on Christmas is failing. BTW, if you heard anyone that came off as some sort of lunatic claiming there is a war on Christmas, they weren't crazy. It was me and my war. This article is proof that my war has failed. I surrender. The war on Christmas over. Please feel free to continue celebrating Christmas in any manner you wish.
There are plenty of Arab Christians. Christianity predated Islam in the region for nearly 600 years.

Abu Dhabi being Abu Dhabi however, this probably had a lot more to do with making a spectacle and drawing in tourists and notoriety, of which this tree is the smallest part.
There's very little Christianity in the Christmas I celebrate... he sneaks into some of the carols we sing, but otherwise, we don't give him much thought.

Nor did the pagans who celebrated Christmas before the holiday was usurped.

Point is, celebrate how you wish. Give good tidings, better to give then to receive, appreciate the good things we all have and try to share a little with those who are less fortunate. Have fun, be generous and enjoy yourselves.
I'm an atheist, does that mean I have to stop exchanging gifts with my family and friends (some of whom are christian, some muslim, some pagan, some atheist...)?

I'm with you on this, X-mas is my favorite holiday and I'm an atheist. As for Abu Dhabi, it's another case of them going overboard as they are wont to do from time to time.

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