About problems with women in the dojang?

It sounds like the red belt is either jealous of you or power hungry, either way I would avoid her if possible. If you truely are kicking to hard then you need to learn control. Have any of the other persons you have sparred complained to you about going at it to hard? Have you asked any of them if they thought you were too aggressive? If you do not feel comfortable training with the women any longer then ask to be partnered with a male counter part. I have met many women that can go toe to toe with men and they're proud of it. When I used to teach, I made it a point to partner men and women together. Most attacks on women are from men so you have to know how to defend yourself against men. If they insist on just placing you with women then I would look for a new school. I have taught many different types of arts and there is always someone that is uncomfortable sparring with or even just training with the opposite sex. This is always best to listen to what the student wants and try to accomadate them, but sooner or later, they will have to train with the opposite sex. Oh by the way, most men won't admit that your hitting them to hard....LOL
Well, I went to the dojang today again. I talked to my grand master about the situation (I had told him I was worried to have sparring with children last week, and he had told me "don't worry, you're working good" but he didn't know about my weird conversation with the red belt lady). He was very surprised, told me not to worry at all because I'm all right (he had watched my work a little closer because he want me competing soon) and ask me to ignore the lady. The complainings seem to be a lie.

Even my instructor, the 2nd belt gentleman, tested me in sparring and other exercises after class with another black belt girl, and he told me I'm working OK. He told me the red belt lady had another fight yesterday in class but this time with a black belt who kicked her a** off, so she's having an injuried ankle now :S

So I feel more at ease now because I'm not the problem.
Well, I went to the dojang today again. I talked to my grand master about the situation (I had told him I was worried to have sparring with children last week, and he had told me "don't worry, you're working good" but he didn't know about my weird conversation with the red belt lady). He was very surprised, told me not to worry at all because I'm all right (he had watched my work a little closer because he want me competing soon) and ask me to ignore the lady. The complainings seem to be a lie.

Even my instructor, the 2nd belt gentleman, tested me in sparring and other exercises after class with another black belt girl, and he told me I'm working OK. He told me the red belt lady had another fight yesterday in class but this time with a black belt who kicked her a** off, so she's having an injuried ankle now :S

So I feel more at ease now because I'm not the problem.

That is great news, When you talk to your GM you are talking about GM Chang Lee. Correct
Well, I went to the dojang today again. I talked to my grand master about the situation (I had told him I was worried to have sparring with children last week, and he had told me "don't worry, you're working good" but he didn't know about my weird conversation with the red belt lady). He was very surprised, told me not to worry at all because I'm all right (he had watched my work a little closer because he want me competing soon) and ask me to ignore the lady. The complainings seem to be a lie.

Even my instructor, the 2nd belt gentleman, tested me in sparring and other exercises after class with another black belt girl, and he told me I'm working OK. He told me the red belt lady had another fight yesterday in class but this time with a black belt who kicked her a** off, so she's having an injuried ankle now :S

So I feel more at ease now because I'm not the problem.

That is great to hear!
I was not coming down on you, just simply showing you that there were other possibilities.
Every senior I know has at one time or another crossed this line.

A junior gets a good point in on you, and rather than you admitting that a junior got a good point you hit them back harder. It's easy, and its EGO

Except this goes against the third part of the student oath, "I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do"

Keep your instructors in the loop on this!
Yes! Do you know him? ^^

Yes my school is in Arlington, we have been friends for years ans Dong and I was both the coaches for the pro-tec team two years ago. Tell him Master Stoker says hello.
He adviced me not to worry about the lady because she apparently is a complicated person,

Gawd what an answer.."Complicated Person"..WTF does that mean???? Does she have mental issues???

A junior gets a good point in on you, and rather than you admitting that a junior got a good point you hit them back harder. It's easy, and its EGO

Oh THOSE issues

Except this goes against the third part of the student oath, "I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do"

Sounds pretty uncomplicated to me..
Well, I went to the dojang today again. I talked to my grand master about the situation (I had told him I was worried to have sparring with children last week, and he had told me "don't worry, you're working good" but he didn't know about my weird conversation with the red belt lady). He was very surprised, told me not to worry at all because I'm all right (he had watched my work a little closer because he want me competing soon) and ask me to ignore the lady. The complainings seem to be a lie.

So I feel more at ease now because I'm not the problem.

I rarely believe someone when they say other people are saying the same thing. Especially when they won't tell you who they are. It seems like this is always used to justify their complaint (they may even THINK others are thinking the same thing so they don't feel they are lying to say so, but really it is all in their head). As someone said before, your instructors' opinions are the only ones that should truly matter.

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